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from 1059 rub.

Мазь КарталинKartalin – means for treatment of psoriasis.

Pharmacological action

Kartalin is the non-hormonal outside means on a vegetable basis which is applied to treatment of serious skin diseases.

Extracts of a camomile, train, oil of a lavender and eucalyptus, vitamins A, D, salicylic acid, a lysozyme, solid oil are a part of means. It is noticed that it well heals wounds, removes an inflammation.

Positive reviews about Kartalin are explained by the fact that drug does not contain artificial and hormonal components. The corticosteroids which are applied at various problems with skin are considered highly effective, but often cause side effects in the form of a hypertrichosis, steroid eels, a skin atrophy.

Kartalin thanks to natural structure does not cause similar negative complications, medicinal dependence.

Form of release of Kartalin

Produce Kartalin ointment.

Indications to use

Means is effective at psoriasis, eczema, some kinds of neurodermatitis, dermatitis allergic.

Route of administration

Карталин – препарат, применяемый для лечения псориазаKartalin apply on the sites of skin affected with a disease one or two р / day on 12 h. It is not recommended to rub ointment.

Judging by comments on Kartalin, the first improvements are observed in one or two weeks. Note that at the first stage of therapy completely psoriasis plaques disappear, there are white or dark stains on skin. To achieve such effect, the first 10 days of therapy smear skin one р / day, and then while it is not cleared, two р / day. After that the second fixing treatment stage which on average lasts month begins. During this period ointment is applied one р / by days. In general treatment by Kartalin lasts 2-4 months.

Bandages are not recommended to be applied the processed leather.

In Kartalin's instruction it is specified that if extensive damage of skin is observed, treatment is begun gradually, greasing skin standing, in 3 days – on hands, in 3 days – on other affected areas.

During treatment it is necessary to consider, ointment Kartalin because of the solid oil which is contained in it soils bed linen and clothes. It is recommended to use special separate sets of linen.

Side effects

Oil eels – display of allergic dermatitis can appear from behind individual intolerance of ointment on skin.

Judging by comments on Kartalin, at the increased tendency to an allergy the ointment combination to reception of antihistaminic drugs, such as Tsetirizin, Loratodin, Ebastin helps.


Ointment is contraindicated at individual intolerance of its components.

It is necessary to acquire a tan during treatment by drug Kartalin with care – in order to avoid a vitamin D surplus.

In Kartalin's instruction it is told that it is not recommended to process ointment face skin, only in extreme cases, very thin layer and avoiding area of eyes. At emergence of hypostases, burnings should stop be greased the person, to see a doctor.

To pregnant women consults to refrain from use of ointment till the child's birth. In view of an exception drug can be appointed, but not earlier than the third trimester.

The feeding women, in view of lack of system impact of Kartalin on an organism, can use ointment, but only on some body parts. In this case consultation of the doctor is necessary.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Kartalin protectively профилактич. Wednesday - in 100 ml of a tube, LLC Astrofarm

1059 rub.

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