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The button represents the dairy drink traditional for the people of Bashkiria, Transcaucasia, Central Asia and other Turkic people, and also Bulgaria.

Кисломолочный напиток катыкThis drink is made of milk, skvashenny by means of special bacterial cultures – the Bulgarian stick and milk streptococci. At the same time the choice of the milk used in its preparation is rather broad: cow, buffalo, goat, sheep or their mix.

Representing a special kind of curdled milk, the button differs from it in the fact that for its preparation only boiled milk is used thanks to what the maximum fat content of a product is reached. This fact can be explained with the fact that at boiling liquid from milk is evaporated on a third, that is water volume decreases, and the amount of fats does not change. As a result smaller volume with high content of fats turns out. Process of souring takes from 6 to 10 hours. Temperature at the same time is established ranging from 20 to 40 degrees. The ready-made product is often given slightly reddish shade by addition of beet or cherry.

The technology of preparation of the Tatar button differs from traditional and a little described above. First, he is trained only from baked milk. Milk maintain a long time in a clay vessel at a temperature of 90 degrees. As soon as milk gets a consistence of dense cream, it is cooled to 40 degrees, adding to it ferment. Then the clay vessel is well wrapped up and placed in the warm place where future button infuses for 8-10 hours. When drink is ready, it is put in the refrigerator where it also is stored.

The requirements of the present based on care about health became the reason that it is possible to find a button which fat content is less, than at traditional drink in sale.

History of drink contains more than 2 thousand years. Still useful properties of a button, its ability to support fine health and to strengthen health were at that time noted.

In certain cases the button is decanted therefore the suzma is formed (other name - a suzba). This product represents something between sour cream and cottage cheese.

It is recommended to store a ready button not longer than 2-3 days, otherwise he develops excessively acid and acute taste. However even at so essential change of tastes the button is suitable in food. It is added to fat soups or broths.

In Central Asia fresh drink can be taken as independent drink as kefir though it is also added to salads as gas station thanks to its hyperoxemia. The button is widely applied in preparation of cold soup чалоп.Калорийность катыка - 56 Ккал на 100 г

Useful properties of a button

The button is widely appreciated not only residents of those countries where is traditional drink. The circle of his admirers are much wider. This fact easily is explained by the fact that at the low caloric content – only about 56 Kcal on 100 g, drink has the mass of useful properties.

So, thanks to microorganisms, being a part of a button, drink is well acquired by an organism. Content of enormous quantity of microelements and vitamins help to support good health, youth and cheerfulness of soul and a body.

The special structure of a button promotes that the regular use of drink helps to suppress pathogenic microflora in intestines, to stop putrefactive processes and to recover balance of useful microflora. Besides, one of useful properties of a button is its beneficial influence on digestive processes.

At last, the use of drink increases appetite, helps at weight reduction due to clarification of an organism from slags and reduces cholesterol level in blood.

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