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Kissel for weight loss

Яблочный очищающий кисель для похуденияKissel – the ancient Russian traditional dish which left a noticeable mark in the history of development of the country. The advantage of kissel for health is known for a long time, and history of this dish is estimated for centuries.

In recent years kissel is especially urgent for weight loss, in particular oat. Than it is so useful?

It is a little about kissel

Actually, drink nicknamed "kissel" for characteristic sourish taste which is developed as a result of fermentation of a product. Besides, fermentation also promotes that kissel is useful to weight loss and health. It is very easy to prepare kissel in house conditions, and now the mass of recipes of oat kissel for weight loss can be found in the Internet.

The first mentioning of kissel is dated the 16th century. It is widely known as very healthy food for children. And abroad kissel nicknamed "the Russian balm" for its numerous useful properties. But whether kissel is suitable for adults? Kissel for weight loss is not suitable only for those people who adhere to a glycoprival diet.

Advantage and properties of the clearing kissel for weight loss from oats

Oats in general are useful to an organism. The protein which is contained in it stimulates growth of cells of fabric and their regeneration. As a part of a diet oats normalize work of nervous and cardiovascular systems, sugar level in blood. Thus, it is possible to call oats safely one of the most useful products for health. It is useful to people of any age, but especially elderly, thanks to the high content of calcium and phosphorus.

In comparison with other grain, grits are the most nutritious therefore it is included surely in a diet of sports food. Regular consumption of products from oats including kissel for weight loss, significantly tones up an organism, strengthens immunity and prolongs life as oats slow down aging processes.

If to speak directly about advantage of oat kissel for weight loss, then it significantly improves the general internal environment of an organism, brings out of it toxic agents and slags. The clearing properties of oat kissel for weight loss can be considered one of nature miracles – as all know, uglevodsoderzhashchy products, on the contrary, promote formation of slags in an organism. But this a miracle the clearing kissel for weight loss brings slags out of an organism.

The majority of diseases at the person develop in connection with the wrong way of life, namely, abuse of tobacco smoking and alcohol, products with the high content of fats and owing to a slow-moving way of life. All this leads to the fact that in blood the cholesterol accumulating on walls of vessels that in turn, promotes their obstruction and development of atherosclerosis, stroke and myocardial infarction collects. The regular use of kissel for weight loss is fine prevention of above-mentioned diseases thanks to the high content of the amino acids regulating a metabolism.

At pass on digestive tract the clearing kissel for weight loss envelops mucous, saving it from various inflammatory processes, normalizes intestinal microflora, improves absorption of the split nutrients, has the clearing and aperient effect on a large intestine.Рецепт овсяного киселя для похудения

The advantage of kissel for weight loss is in recovery of internal environment of an organism and creation of such conditions that the immune system begins to struggle with diseases independently. According to reviews, kissel for weight loss after 2-2,5 months of regular reception normalizes health indicators, promotes the termination and an utikhaniye of stomach aches and intestines, to disappearance of weakness in legs, to normalization of pulse, improvement of work of kidneys. Besides, kissel for weight loss, according to reviews, is tasty and nutritious drink which will improve mood.

The recipe of preparation of the clearing kissel for weight loss

It is necessary to pour 1,5 glasses of grits into a 3-liter jar or wholegrain oatmeal. To fill in with two liters of warm boiled water, to add a half of a glass of kefir, to mix, cover polyethylene and to put to the warm place for 1,5-2 days for fermentation.

After process of fermentation comes to the end, it is necessary to filter mix through several layers of a gauze in other can and to put for days in the refrigerator. In a day in bank translucent liquid is formed from above, and from below there will be a white deposit. Translucent liquid needs to be merged, and that liquid which with a deposit, and will be a basis for kissel for weight loss. It is possible to store this serum in the refrigerator 2-3 weeks.

For preparation of kissel for weight loss it is necessary to dilute serum with water in the ratio 1:2, to put on fire and to bring to boiling. Everything, kissel is ready to the use. For taste it is possible to add a little honey or oils.

Whether you know that:

Work which to the person not to liking, is much more harmful to his mentality, than lack of work in general.