Main > Diseases> Colpitis


Colpitis – the inflammation of a mucous membrane of a vagina and a vulval part of a uterus at which there is hypostasis of mucous appear plentiful allocations (with an unpleasant smell, purulent or white).

Кольпит – воспаление слизистой оболочки влагалища и влагалищной части маткиAs a rule, such state at women can result from the most various infections which treat candidiasis (a candidosis colpitis), trichomoniasis (a mecotic colpitis), clamidiosis, gonorrhea, genital herpes and other various infections. Quite often the colpitis is caused by the streptococci, gonokokka, mycoplasmas, colibacillus and other infections getting into a vagina from the outside or together with blood directly from the center of the inflammation which is in an organism.

Treatment of a colpitis has to be adequate and timely, otherwise the disease can extend to a uterus, appendages, the channel of a neck of uterus that can lead to such serious complications as an erosion of a neck of uterus, an endometritis and infertility.

What promotes a disease of a colpitis?

Preferential microbes get into a vagina at sexual contact. However for the healthy woman this process is not terrible as the vagina is inclined to self-cleaning that leads to destruction of these bacteria.

The contributing factors for emergence of a colpitis are:

  • weak activity of ovaries;
  • different anomalies of a reproductive system (omission of walls of a vagina, shift of generative organs, wide gaping of a sexual crack, etc.);
  • various diseases of internals and systems;
  • non-compliance with hygiene of sex life (frequent change of partners);
  • non-compliance with rules of personal hygiene;
  • change in a mucous membrane of a vagina as a result of irrational use of contraceptives, too frequent or wrong syringing, thinning of a mucous membrane in the period of a postmenopause;
  • various injuries of a vagina (chemical, thermal or mechanical).

All above-mentioned factors weaken protective forces of an organism against various infections that promotes free penetration into fabrics of microbes and their reproduction whereas in a sound body they preferential die in process of self-cleaning of a vagina.

Types of a colpitis

The most widespread types of a colpitis are:

  • Atrophic colpitis when infectious process in a vagina is caused by decrease in level of estrogen in the woman's organism, i.e. at advanced age. Preferential atrophic colpitis occurs at women after a menopause when as a result of decrease in level of estrogen the vagina becomes vulnerable to infections.
  • Candidosis colpitis – the inflammation of a mucous membrane of a vagina arising owing to defeat by drozhzhepodobny mushrooms of the sort Candida. As a rule, the candidosis colpitis is combined with damage of a mucous vulva. This type of a disease occurs at women of reproductive age. Pregnant women are especially subject to risk.
  • Mecotic colpitis – one of the most widespread types of a disease, sexually transmitted. Along with damage of a vagina it is quite often possible to observe an inflammation of a neck of uterus and urethras (trichomoniasis). Preferential mecotic colpitis has a chronic current with periodic aggravations.

Symptoms of a colpitis chronic and acute

On character of a current the colpitis happens chronic and acute.

Symptoms of a colpitis acute arise suddenly. In a vagina burning, pain, an itch plentiful allocations of purulent or mucopurulent character with ichor impurity, weight in the bottom of a stomach appears. Sometimes there are such symptoms of a colpitis as burning and an urodynia. At survey of the patient the mucous membrane of a vagina has an edematous and red appearance, and at the slightest impact on it begins to bleed. Inflammatory process can extend to external genitals and a neck of uterus.

Individual course of a colpitis acute depends on such factors as a condition of immunity and age of the woman, and also on a contagium. Strong allocations are characteristic of a mecotic colpitis: foamy, purulent, yellowish-green color, with a pungent unpleasant smell. At a candidosis colpitis of allocation, as a rule, white, a curdled consistence.

If treatment of a colpitis acute is not carried out timely, then it, as a rule, passes into a chronic form. The chronic colpitis is dangerous that the infection can hide, and inflammatory process will inertly take place with periodic aggravations. Colpitis symptoms in this case are not brightly expressed.

For a chronic colpitis slow distribution of infectious process on other bodies is peculiar: uterine tube, uterus and ovaries.

Diagnosis of a colpitis

Correctly and timely made diagnosis is the key to successful treatment of a colpitis. As a rule, the diagnosis is made, based on the patient's poll, survey by her specialist gynecologist and results of laboratory researches.

At an acute mecotic colpitis during survey of the patient on a chair the doctor can notice reddening and hypostasis mucous vaginas at once, and in a back part of a vault of the vagina to see mucopurulent allocations.

At a candidosis colpitis the doctor can find a white plaque on the reddened mucous membrane of a vagina, and in attempt of its removal mucous will begin to bleed.

For the correct diagnosis take analyses from the channel of a neck of uterus, an urethra and a vagina from the woman. It helps to specify a type of the activator.

Treatment of a colpitis

Кольпит возникет в результате инфекций, к которым относятся кандидоз, трихомониаз, хламидиоз и др.In treatment of a colpitis doctors use the integrated approach consisting from:

  • antibioticotherapias for influence on a contagium (apply those antibiotics to which the greatest sensitivity is found);
  • fortifying treatment, especially at immunity disturbances;
  • podmyvaniye of external genitals medicinal solutions, syringings of a vagina antimicrobic means;
  • the special diet excluding greasy, spicy and salty food, and also any alcoholic drinks.

During treatment to the woman surely appoint laboratory researches through certain periods.

The main method of treatment of an atrophic colpitis is replacement hormonal therapy which is performed in two ways:

  • local – appoint vaginal candles and tablets;
  • system – appoint hormonal pricks or tablets for intake.

The main medicines at an atrophic colpitis are Klimonorm, Ovestin, Ginodian-depot, etc.

Prevention of a colpitis

For prevention of a disease the woman has to eliminate those conditions which promote penetration in causative organisms and to watch for:

  • immunity strengthening;
  • timely treatment of gynecologic diseases;
  • hygiene of sex life and hygiene of generative organs.

It is necessary to avoid the perfumed sprays for intimate hygiene and gels for bathtubs, various contraceptive gels as a part of which there are spermitsida as they break natural microflora of a vagina.

Preference should be given to convenient linen from natural fabric.

Whether you know that:

Most of women is capable to derive more pleasure from contemplation of the beautiful body in a mirror, than from sex. So, women, you aim at symmetry.