Main > Human organs> Tailbone


Tailbone. General information

The tailbone or coccyx (Latin) represents a final part of a backbone of the person. In it distinguish 4 or 5 (in certain cases) of vertebrae which size decreases in the direction from top to down that defines triangular shape of a tailbone. The tailbone is connected by the wide basis to a sacrum, its top is turned from top to bottom.

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On the I coccygeal vertebra it is possible to note existence of a body of a vertebra, horns in number of 2 pieces and cross shoots are hardly distinguishable. In certain cases at the II vertebra it is also possible to distinguish cross shoots, other vertebrae represent rudimentary little bodies of spongy bone substance.

At advanced age all coccygeal vertebrae, except I, grow together among themselves. Such phenomenon is more often it is observed at men.

To a tailbone the thin coccygeal muscle fastens. It is a steam room, squared. The muscle stretches from an ischium to side edges of verkhnekopchikovy and nizhnekresttsovy vertebrae. Where, intertwining with fibers of back bunches, provides mobility of a diaphragm of a basin.

The coccygeal texture, originative to zadneprokhodno-coccygeal nerves, is located at the beginning of a coccygeal muscle.

Blood supply of a tailbone is carried out thanks to an average sacral artery and its branches. Outflow of blood happens through a soimenny vein.

Functions of a tailbone

In spite of the fact that a tailbone – a rudimental organ, it performs rather important functions in an organism:

  • Its front departments are the place of an attachment of the sheaves and muscles which are taking part in functioning of distal departments of intestines, bodies of urinogenital system. Besides, to a tailbone some muscle bundles of a big gluteus – a powerful razgibatel of a hip fasten;
  • The tailbone participates in distribution of the exercise stress falling on anatomical structures of a basin and also serves as a point of support at inclinations back.

Damages of a tailbone

The most frequent injuries of a tailbone – injuries and fractures:

  • Bruise of a tailbone call damage of the soft tissues surrounding it. The injury belongs to the category of lungs. Most often results from falling. First of all at a bruise patients address with complaints that the tailbone hurts. If falling caused emergence of pains, it is necessary to see a doctor as effects of an injury can be serious even in spite of the fact that pain can cease several hours later after damage immediately. Quite often the tailbone bruise without due treatment becomes chronic. In this case pain can unexpectedly arise, bringing discomfort and to vanish also unexpectedly for several weeks or even months. The symptom in the form of bruise can also serve as the index on a tailbone bruise. The bed rest and an exception of physical activity in any kind is recommended to the patient with a similar injury. It is not recommended to sit also strictly, however in extreme cases when sitting the special orthopedic pillow representing a rubber circle can be used.
  • The change of a tailbone arises when falling on buttocks, as a result of strong mechanical influence, at damages to result of the road accident. Most often changes are observed at women that is caused by anatomic distinctions in a structure of a basin of both floors, and also at elderly people. Changes of a tailbone can be both with shift, and without it. Most often, however, not the change, but a fracture dislocation is observed even. Symptomatology of a change and dislocation at the same time rather similar. Patients also complain that the tailbone hurts, and pain becomes more intensively during walking, at the sharp movements and cough. Sitting in the correct situation is complicated, in the field of defeat the swelling is quite often observed, problems with defecation are probable. The outside palpation allows to reveal pathological mobility of a tailbone. The exact diagnosis can be made only by results of radiological inspection. Treatment of a change of a tailbone means overlaying of the special tire representing a wadded and gauze circle. The period of carrying the tire (not less than two weeks) has to be followed by rest, the bed rest is recommended. The anesthetizing drugs are in certain cases appointed. To help an organism to cope quicker with a change, administration of drugs, calciferous, vitamins and collagen is recommended. Also special physiotherapy exercises will be useful. In cases when the union of a bone is complicated, resort to surgical intervention.
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