Main > Medical specialties> Cosmetologist


The cosmetologist – the doctor who deals with problems of skin of a body and person. The cosmetologist defines the general condition of skin and recommends preventive and medical cosmetic procedures. The cosmetologist deletes a nevus pigmentosus, birthmarks, vascular asterisks, etc.

Косметолог – врач, который занимается проблемами кожи тела и лица

If necessary the cosmetologist can direct the patient to other specialists – the endocrinologist, the dermatologist, the surgeon-cosmetologist.

Education of the cosmetologist allows it to define type of an integument of the patient and to appoint individual procedures, necessary for it. Besides, the cosmetologist knows all skin diseases and is engaged in their treatment. The competent cosmetologist, according to reviews, will be able always to define a disease which disturbs the patient and to appoint adequate treatment.

Now education of the cosmetologist includes, in addition to performance of ordinary procedures for maintenance of good shape of skin, practically all techniques of therapeutic cosmetology in a body and a face.

What diseases the cosmetologist treats?

Services of the cosmetologist include treatment of eels, spots, acne, acne disease, and also removal of scars on a body and a face after operations, eels and injuries, improvement of healing of fresh hems, removal of hems.

The cosmetologist treats also excess growth of hair in the face and a body by means of modern methods of removal of hair (a bioepilation, an electroepilation), including in armpits, the zone "bikini", on a face, a breast.

Besides, enters services of the cosmetologist:

  • Diagnosis and treatment of a rozatse or pink eels;
  • Removal of warts by means of coagulation, liquid nitrogen;
  • Treatment of dry warts (bottom callosities);
  • Treatment of a demodicosis (skin tick);
  • Removal of keratomas, birthmarks, mollusks, papillomas;
  • Treatment natoptyshy, callosities, cracks and the grown nail, a medical pedicure;
  • Prevention of a senilism (removal of hypostases, circles under eyes, smoothing of wrinkles);
  • Treatment of a nevus pigmentosus by complex whitening of pigmentation or removal taking into account process of pigmental education;
  • Treatment of cellulitis;
  • Removal of extensions after the delivery;
  • Correction of a figure.

When it is necessary to resort to services of the cosmetologist?

  • At emergence on leather of eels, enlarged skin pores, skin coarsening which leads to appearance of black eels;
  • At a peeling and slackness of skin when skin looks dim;
  • In case of burning and an itch on skin after putting cosmetics;
  • During the reddening and an inflammation in the form of a small tortoiseshell in places of use of cosmetics;
  • At puffiness century, lips and frequent acne enanthesis;
  • At allergic reactions of mucous membranes of a nose, throat, the sky, at an itch of a throat and the sky, a nose congestion, nasal allocations;
  • At emergence of dark circles under eyes, hypostases, mucous allocations in corners of eyes, spasmodic pains around eyes;
  • At frequent reddening of vessels of eye proteins, emergence of allergic scaly rashes and barley on the surface of an upper eyelid.

What analyses the cosmetologist can demand?

The cosmetologist can direct the patient to delivery of the following analyses:

  • General blood test;
  • General analysis of urine;
  • Herpes infections;
  • Syphilis;
  • Measles;
  • Scrapings from a nail and skin on existence of fungi;
  • Scrapings from eyelashes and skin on presence of mites (демодекс);
  • Gerpevirusa (1-6 types) and virus of herpes of the person;
  • Allergological Ig G panel;
  • Puncture cytology of skin;
  • Immunoglobulin E (IgE);
  • Allergological screening (the inhalation, mixed adult mixed children's, food).

Types of diagnoses which are carried out by the cosmetologist

Education of the cosmetologist allows it to carry out the following types of diagnoses:

  • Cytology – studying of structure of cells for diagnosis of a virus of papilloma of the person, a carcinoma cutaneum, a vesical dermatosis, bazalioma;
  • Rhematoid factor;
  • Microscopy – a skin scraping for diagnosis of itch, mycoses;
  • Histology – a skin biopsy for morphological confirmation of the diagnosis;
  • Diagnosis of diseases of a pancreas and liver;
  • PTsR-diagnosis for the purpose of definition of infections of skin;
  • Immunofluorescent research for diagnosis of autoimmune diseases.

Councils of the cosmetologist

According to cosmetologists, observance of these simple councils is excellent prevention from various diseases of skin:

  • Follow rules of personal hygiene;
  • Before drawing a make-up it is necessary to wash up a face and hands carefully;
  • Never allow to use your decorative cosmetics to other persons;
  • Before purchase of cosmetics it is better to check it. For this purpose it is necessary to ask the pure applicator for the seller, and also to ask to wipe a packaging opening with alcohol;
  • Places in which cosmetics is stored have to be kept clean;
  • Do not subject cosmetics to influence of direct sunshine, observe the recommended temperature condition of storage;
  • If you have an infectious disease of eyes (for example, conjunctivitis), you should not use decorative cosmetics for eyes.
  • After you cure an infection, it is not recommended to use old cosmetics for eyes;
  • If color of cosmetics changed or appeared an unpleasant smell, cosmetologists do not advise to use it. It can mean that the preservatives which are contained in cosmetics do not fight against bacteria any more;
  • Regularly you purge applicators and cosmetic brushes;
  • Before use of cosmetics make sample test. Put a small amount of funds for an internal part of an elbow. If for two days no changes happened, cosmetics can be used if on skin reddening appeared, the itch, a swelling, then this means does not suit you;
  • Spirits should be applied not on skin, and on clothes. It will help to avoid possible reaction to fragrances;
  • Remember that labels on cosmetics "it is tested by dermatologists", "hypoallergenic", "is suitable for sensitive skin" are not a guarantor of your safety. One companies hold testing, and others – are not present. No rules concerning that this information was specified on the label, exist.
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