Main > Food stuffs> Rabbit


Rabbits carry to a genus of mammals, Zaytsev' family. The main difference of a rabbit from a hare is that the posterity of a rabbit is born blind and naked. On average the rabbit lives about 10 years.

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The domestic rabbit is the cultivated kind of his wild relative, with a big variety of the sizes and colourings of wool. Sometimes rabbits are bred in the decorative purposes, but in Russia are engaged in rabbit breeding for the purpose of receiving dietary valuable meat, and also down and skins more often.

Advantage of a rabbit

Rabbit flesh is known as especially qualitative dietary product surpassing meat of other animals in a complex of food qualities long ago.

Generally the advantage of meat of a rabbit is defined by rich amino-acid structure which improves an animal with age. It is considered that optimum characteristics of meat are reached when the rabbit reaches age of 4-5 months, and the proteinaceous quality indicator comes to the maximum. A proteinaceous quality indicator – the size characterizing quality of meat in general. It represents a ratio of amount of amino acid of tryptophane which contains only in muscular tissue, to amount of amino acid of oxyproline which is characteristic only of connecting fabric. After five-months age the proteinaceous quality indicator of a rabbit decreases a little.

Other characteristics also confirm advantage of meat of a rabbit. It contains the most large amount of vitamins and minerals, in comparison with meat of other animals. Meat of a rabbit is rich with niacin, vitamin C, group B vitamins. Fluorine, phosphorus, cobalt, potassium, manganese and the iron which are contained in a rabbit allow to fill the need of an organism for these microelements.

Rabbit flesh has excellent comprehensibility in digestive tract of the person. Thanks to it it is possible to recommend meat of a rabbit to people with diseases of the alimentary system – gastroduodenita, colitis, pancreatitis, etc. For comparison: comprehensibility of beef makes about 62%, and meat of a rabbit is acquired more than for 90%.

In a rabbit rather low amount of nitrogenous substances thanks to what in small amounts the people having gout which is connected with disbolism can use him. Also rabbit flesh perfectly is suitable for food of the people having allergic diseases, especially it concerns children of early age.

Separately it is worth emphasizing advantage of meat of a rabbit in case of oncological diseases. Rabbit flesh promotes removal of radionuclides which inevitably collect in an organism at radiation therapy. It is also known that meat of a rabbit is capable to lead the content of glucose of blood to normal figures.

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Caloric content of a rabbit

Speaking about advantage of rabbit flesh, it is necessary to mention the low caloric content of a rabbit. It is equal to 136 kcal on 100 grams of a product. It is less, than at other types of meat. For example, beef, being not the most caloric meat, has the caloric content of 187 kcal on 100 grams.

At the expense of the low caloric content of a rabbit his meat can be recommended to people with the excess body weight and obesity, and also to advise as one of components of a full-fledged, complex diet.

Contraindications to meat of a rabbit

It is necessary to know that in rare instances the rabbit can be and is unhealthy. Cases of individual intolerance of rabbit flesh meet. The nitrogenous substances which are contained in a rabbit though have low concentration concerning other grades of meat, but also also exacerbations of gout can become a rare origin. To prevent probability of it at persons with predisposition to disturbance of exchange of uric acid, it is recommended to boil meat in several waters, thereby reducing concentration of substances, harmful to the sick person.

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