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Dried apricots

Dried apricots as call the dried-up apricot fruits, has a set of useful properties. To receive dried apricots from apricots, ripe whole fruits which are washed at first are selected, then cut and delete from them a stone. After that fruits leave to dry in the sun. Thus, approximately after a week of stay under sunshine, dried apricots is ready to the use. It is also necessary to note that for receiving one kilogram of dried apricots it is necessary to use five-six kilograms of apricots.


This сухофрукт was widely adopted in cookery. Use it as an independent dish as a dessert. Also add to different salads, cakes and rolls. It is perfectly combined with meat, fish and rice. From dried apricots and other dried fruits cook useful and tasty drink – узвар.

Structure and caloric content of dried apricots

Numerous useful properties of dried apricots depend on a large amount of the vitamins and minerals which are contained in it.

In 100 g of dried apricots 30,1 g of water, 62,6 g of carbohydrates, 4 g of ashes, 3,4 g of proteins, 7,3 g of cellulose, 0,5 mg of fats, 1,5 g of organic acids contain; vitamins: And, B1, B2, PP, B3, B6, B9, C, E, K; macrocells: phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium; microelements: selenium, copper, iron, zinc, manganese.

Caloric content of dried apricots makes 241 kcal on 100 g of a product.

Useful properties of dried apricots

In preparation time dried apricots loses a set of the useful properties. Nevertheless, the main advantage of dried apricots consists in the high content of cellulose, organic acids, pectins and mineral substances.

The use of dried apricots is capable to warn and facilitate anemia, digestive tract diseases, cardiac diseases, to improve sight. If regularly to eat this сухофрукт, then developing of firm tumors and obstruction of vessels does not threaten you, and your skin will look for many years young and beautiful.

Dried apricots contains more salts of potassium, than sodium salts therefore dietary properties of dried apricots are really fine. And thanks to the high content of magnesium doctors recommend to use dried apricots at a hypertension and an anemia.

Retinolum which is contained in dried apricots is responsible for full work of many systems of our organism. And if to prepare from it dense infusion or broth, then it will possess diuretic action. Therefore it is reasonable to use it at cardiovascular diseases and problems with kidneys.

The people sick with a diabetes mellitus, a hypovitaminosis or with diseases of a thyroid gland have to appreciate advantage of dried apricots also. It is a component of many homeopathic medicines which in an essential measure help to reduce reception of synthetic medicines at various chronic diseases.

Хлеб с черносливом и курагой

You should not forget, however, that this сухофрукт - quite concentrated product. Therefore harm of dried apricots at the excessive use will not be slow to affect. As in it celluloses it is much bigger, than in a fresh apricot, as a result of the excessive use of dried apricots it is possible to earn disorder of intestines and stomach.

Not to do harm, it is the best of all to use dried apricots in number of no more than 80-100 g daily. At the same time it is necessary to try to subject not too it to thermal treatment, and to add to fresh various dishes.

It is also necessary to know that dried apricots is contraindicated to people with the lowered pressure.

Whether you know that:

In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.