Main > Diseases> Lipoma


Short characteristic of a disease


The lipoma is the education from fatty tissue which is localized under skin. More widespread, but not official name of a lipoma – a fatty tumor.

Usually the lipoma does not grow more 1-1,5sm in the diameter though big lipomas sometimes meet in medical practice. Possibly and formation of a set of lipomas - липоматоз.

The lipoma is the high-quality education in very rare, almost isolated cases developing into a malignant liposarcoma.

On a body of the person the fatty tumor can be for years, without causing discomfort, but if its rapid growth is noticed (noticeable increase in one-two months), it is necessary to see a doctor as it is one of signs of regeneration of a lipoma in a malignancy immediately.

Lipoma origins

Today the reasons of emergence of a lipoma on a body and internals of the person are unknown.


The lipoma resembles superficially the cone which to the touch soft. It can appear practically on any body part and even on internals (lungs, in a breast, okoloplechny, retroperitoneal cellulose, etc.).

The lipoma is usually painless, but sometimes if its arrangement provokes squeezing of fabrics and nerve terminations, at tactile survey of a fatty tumor there can be unpleasant painful feelings.

Diagnosis of a lipoma

Diagnosing of a lipoma is carried out by the doctor at its visual survey. For more detailed analysis carry out a puncture biopsy of a fatty tumor (an education fragment research regarding a zlokachestvennost) and after removal of a lipoma - a cytologic, histologic research.

Treatment of a lipoma

In official medicine treatment of a lipoma is carried out by its removal.

Indications to removal of a lipoma is its morbidity, growth, the location causing functional disorders of vitals and cosmetic defect.

Removal of lipomas of the small sizes can be carried out by a radio wave method. Its advantages before usual surgical intervention – painlessness and a beskrovnost, lack of postoperative complications, small term of rehabilitation, optimum cosmetic effect, preservation of working ability of the patient after the procedure.

Удаление липомы

Removal of lipomas of the big sizes is carried out by a surgical way, under a local anesthesia (on medical indications the general anesthesia can be applied).

There is also such method of removal of lipomas as puncture and aspiration at which contents of a tumor are sucked away by a special needle. Advantages of this way – lack of cosmetic defects and seams, preservation of working ability of the patient after the procedure.

National treatment of a lipoma is not welcomed by official medicine as though it is rare, but inadequate actions can provoke malignant regeneration of a tumor. Nevertheless, it practices.

Such recipes of national treatment of a lipoma are distributed:

  • the baked onion and laundry soap. On a fatty tumor two-three р / days impose a gauze compress with onions and soap until it does not become softer and will not be opened;
  • celandine. The compress from a gauze or the bandage moistened in strong broth of a celandine needs to be imposed for the night, on a lipoma until it is not opened and its contents do not flow out;
  • kalanchoe. Put to a fatty tumor or the cotton plug moistened with kalanchoe juice (it is necessary to change one р / days), or a fresh leaf of a plant;
  • beet. Grated beet needs to be put for the night to a lipoma, covering with polyethylene and having fixed by an adhesive plaster;
  • gold mustache. The kneaded leaf of a plant is imposed on a fatty tumor, covered with a polyethylene film, cotton fabric and fixed by an adhesive plaster. It is necessary to change a compress each 12 h. The course of treatment lasts usually 10-20 дн.

Prevention of a lipoma

For prevention of a lipoma it is necessary to exclude the factors influencing change of fatty tissue - fully and to properly eat, avoid preservatives and not to abuse alcohol and tobacco.

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