Main > Diseases> Lymphogranulomatosis


Лимфогранулематоз – pлокачественная опухоль, образованная клетками лимфоидной тканиThe lymphogranulomatosis is the malignant tumor formed by cells of an adenoid tissue.

Short characteristic of a disease

The lymphogranulomatosis is most often diagnosed for children, the second and third peaks of activity of a disease fall on 20 and 50 years.

Allocate four stages of a lymphogranulomatosis which depend on extent of spread of tumors:

The first stage (IE) – a tumor was localized in lymph nodes on one site or in one body which is outside lymph nodes.

The second stage (IIE) – lymph nodes are surprised in two and more sites or one body on one side from a diaphragm.

The third stage (III) – nodes on both sides from a diaphragm are touched. Sometimes defeat passes to a spleen (IIIS). At the third stage of a lymphogranulomatosis there can be a defeat of an upper part of a peritoneum - a stage of III (1) or damage of lymph nodes in a basin, along an aorta – a stage of III (2).

The fourth stage – tumors except lymph nodes affect intestines, kidneys, marrow, a liver and other internals.

The letter E in designation of a stage of a lymphogranulomatosis means that the disease extended to the fabrics and bodies close to large lymph nodes, and a letter S – that the spleen is affected. If in the diagnosis near the name of a stage there is a letter A – it means that the patient has no disease symptoms, and the letter B means that are observed loss of weight, pouring sweat, fever.

Reasons of emergence of a disease

The reason of emergence of a lymphogranulomatosis in children and adults is not revealed still though for the first time the disease is described in 1832 by doctor Hodzhkin (the second name of a disease – Hodzhkin's disease).

But some specialists consider that Epstein-Burra's virus causing an infectious mononucleosis can cause a lymphogranulomatosis: it is often found in tumor cells. Presumably this virus leads to mutations of lymphocytes and their growth begins to increase uncontrolledly.

Lymphogranulomatosis symptoms

Первый характерный симптом лимфогранулематоза – увеличение шейных лимфоузловAs well as at a usual lymphoma, the first characteristic symptom of a lymphogranulomatosis – increase in cervical lymph nodes, lymph nodes in a groin and axillary hollows. At the same time it is noted that nodes are not painful and their size after an antibioticotherapia does not decrease.

Often the adenoid tissue in a thorax and a characteristic symptom of a lymphogranulomatosis in this case – the complicated breath, the cough caused by squeezing of bronchial tubes and lungs is surprised.

Minor symptoms of a lymphogranulomatosis:

  • temperature increase;
  • digestion disturbance;
  • weakness;
  • the increased perspiration;
  • reduction of weight.

Diagnosis of a disease

For diagnosing of a lymphogranulomatosis at children, adults, first of all, perform medical examination, take blood for carrying out biochemical and general analyses. Carry out a biopsy of the injured lymph node: under a microscope study a small sample of a tumor, define whether there are in it granulomas and estimate their condition.

After the lymphogranulomatosis is confirmed, carry out radiodiagnosis – a magnetic and resonant and computer tomography, a X-ray analysis. So lymphogranulomatosis stages are defined.

Treatment of a lymphogranulomatosis

Methods of treatment of a lymphogranulomatosis differ depending on a disease stage. To treatment of the first and second (And) stages apply radiation therapy which is supplemented if necessary with chemotherapy.

For treatment of a lymphogranulomatosis at stages of IIB, IIIA the chemotherapy and radiation therapy are combined without fail.

At the third stage (V) and the fourth stage carry out 6-8 cycles of usual chemotherapy.

If, despite the begun treatment, the forecast of a lymphogranulomatosis adverse, apply high-dosage chemotherapy and transplantation of marrow.

The earlier treatment will be appointed and carried out, the forecast of a lymphogranulomatosis is better. Even at the last fourth stage process of survival is big – 75%. If to take world statistics, treatment of a lymphogranulomatosis leads to recovery in 80% of cases.

Выявить лимфогранулематоз на ранних стадиях помогает стандартная флюорографияPrevention of a disease

Because the successful forecast of a lymphogranulomatosis depends on its stage, among preventive actions for the prevention of a disease not annual medical examinations of children and adults are in the last place. The standard fluorography helps to reveal a lymphogranulomatosis at early stages.

In view of the fact that the lymphogranulomatosis often is found in children, it is necessary to temper, protect from early age of the child from excessive influence of ultraviolet rays, radiation, chemicals, to carry out in time treatment of the arisen infections and their standard prevention.

Elderly people for the prevention of a lymphogranulomatosis should limit electrotreatment, some procedures of physical therapy.

Whether you know that:

The weight of a human brain makes about 2% of all body weight, however it consumes about 20% of the oxygen coming to blood. This fact does a human brain extremely susceptible to the damages caused by shortage of oxygen.