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Makrurus – deep-water fish from family Treskoobraznykh. Макрурус - морская рыба семейства ТрескообразныхLives only in a northern part of the Pacific Ocean. Most often he can be met in the cold waters washing Russia namely, in the Sea of Okhotsk, on the coasts of Kamchatka, near the Commander and Kuril Islands. Fish is often called by "a maloglazy makrurus" or "a maloglazy dolgokhvost", and in some countries she is known under the name "huge grenadier".

In comparison with other deep-water fishes, макрурус it is indeed quite big. Adult individuals reach in length of 2 meters, and weigh to 30 kg. The maximum age of fish registered officially made 56 years, but scientists are sure that fish can longer live.

Breeds макрурус by means of a caviar throwing, and reaches puberty at the age of five years. Feature of life of fishes is that females and males live separately from each other. Females, as a rule, live at a depth of 300-700 meters, and males are even deeper.

Spawning continues all year, but is most active during the autumn and winter period. The puberal female of a makrurus contains up to 400 thousand berries with a diameter up to 1,5 mm.

Juveniles, as a rule, keep near a surface, at a depth no more than 500 m. In process of a growing fish leaves more and more deeply under water, falling by depth of 3500 meters or even more.

Fish has a zmeeobrazny body and the big head. The back fin long also consists of 5-7 beams, and the tail fin consists of 130 beams. Chest fins at a makrurus small. On a mandible one number of teeth, and on upper – two is located. Scales at fish small, sometimes with a small amount of medium-sized salted pork fats. The body has a monophonic color, gray-brown is more often. The sideline of more dark shade is also well distinguishable.

Makrurus – predatory fish also eats generally other fishes, cephalopods and mollusks. Sometimes found in bodies of the hooked fish crabs, erinaceouses, comb jellies and worms. Such character of food allows to assume that it макрурус does not allure production, and hunts independently.

макрурус resembles the ancient sea monsters existing still B.C. superficially. Often its frightening-off view with the big head, acute teeth and protruding eyes pushes away buyers who prefer to buy something more usual for their eyes. And in vain, as advantage of a makrurus one of the highest among sea fishes. And at the correct preparation макрурус can become very tasty delicious dish.

Structure and caloric content of a makrurus

The main advantage of a makrurus consists in high content macro - and microelements. Fish contains digestible protein, about 18 g on 100 g of a product, and also 0,5 g of fat. And a ratio in fish of amino acids so ideal that fish is completely acquired by a human body.

The makrurus contains such useful mineral substances as nickel, calcium, cobalt, iron, iodine, copper, zinc, manganese, a lysine, methionine, tryptophane, fluorine, phosphorus, ascorbic acid, RR vitamin and vitamins of group B.

Caloric content of a makrurus makes 60 kcal on 100 g of a product.

Preparation of a makrurus

Excellent tastes of this fish are perfectly known to culinary specialists of the whole world, but preparation of a makrurus among inhabitants of northern coastal areas is most widespread. Meat at fish white with a pinkish shade, structure watery, but not fibrous. Fish perfectly is suitable both for a zasushka, and for thermal treatment. Makrurusa cook, extinguish, fry, jellied dishes cook from it to puree, a fish soup.

Besides, the speed of digestion of a makrurus is significantly less, than at beef as it contains less rough connecting fabric. For this reason, and also because of low caloric content макрурус carry to fine dietary products. The baked fish it is possible to eat safely in 1,5 hours prior to active exercise stresses. She will not add to your weight of any excess gram, but will fill an organism with all necessary construction components.

Useful properties of a makrurus

Калорийность макруруса - 60 ккал на 100 гThe main advantage of a makrurus consists in an ideal ratio of all useful amino acids owing to what the person receives all necessary substances preventing various disturbances in activity of an organism. So, a lysine and триптозан in connection with methionine form ideal protein which is completely acquired by digestive tract.

This fish is very useful to people during recovery after the undergone operations, at diseases of bone system, changes.

It is desirable to include макрурус in structure of dietary and treatment-and-prophylactic food as the phosphorus which is contained in fish is useful to formation of a bone tissue at children and to its maintenance at people of old age.

If to use sea fish, in particular, a makrurus, two-three times a week, then your hair, skin, bones, nails and muscles will always be in a full order.


Absolute contraindications to the use of a makrurus do not exist. Nevertheless, with care the nursing mothers, children and people inclined to allergic reactions should use it.

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