Main > Food stuffs> Mangostin


This фруктнастолько is popular in Asia that it was even given the royal status. And in the European countries bigger distribution was gained by juice of a mangostin.



Mangostin – a plant from Kluziyev' family. Rod Mangostin from the region of Southeast Asia where he is eurysynusic also till today. Besides, this fruit is successfully grown up in Africa, South and Central America. His largest producers are Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India, Honduras and Philippines.

Fruits of a mangostin have quite exotic appearance and refined taste. Rounded shape, fruits have a diameter 3,5-7,5 centimeters, and from above are covered smooth and thick (6-10 mm) with a peel which color fluctuates from dark-lilac to red-lilac. Under a peel there is a snow-white juicy pulp consisting of several segments. Each segment contains a quantity of seeds of an egg-shaped form, about 2,5 centimeters in size in length and 1,5 centimeters width. On taste pulp fragrant and sweet, with sourness, and it is possible to compare it to taste of strawberry, a peach, and grapes.

Use of a mangostin in cookery

Thanks to the useful properties, мангостин widely apply in cookery. Special distribution was gained by pulp of fruits and juice of a mangostin. According to reviews мангостин well is suitable for fruit and acute salads, milkshakes, sauces of a curry, a souffle, and also for fish and seafood.

In the countries of Southeast Asia eat as well seeds of a mangostin which fry or boil.

Structure and caloric content of a mangostin

In 100 g of a mangostin 80,8 g of water, 15,9 g of carbohydrates, 1,4 g of cellulose, 0,6 g of proteins, 0,6 g of fats, 0,5 g of ashes contain; vitamins: thiamin (B1), Riboflavinum (B2), Niacinum (RR), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), sincaline (B4), ascorbic acid (C), tocopherol (E); microelements: fluorine, zinc, copper, manganese, iodine, iron; macrocells: chlorine, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium.

Caloric content of a mangostin makes 72 kcal on 100 g of a product.

Useful properties of a mangostin

In the countries of Asia мангостин widely apply in traditional medicine. The peel which is previously dried up and crushed in powder is used as astringent, and also for treatment of fever and dysentery. Do paste which is applied to treatment of eczema and other diseases of skin of a peel. Broth from leaves and bark of a plant is used for treatment of diarrhea, urological diseases, dysentery and as an antipyretic. Thus, мангостин according to reviews helps at treatment of many diseases.

Сок из мангостина

For quite some time now in America juice of a mangostin enjoys wide popularity. According to independent scientific research bark of fruits contains about 40 xanthones – the substances having strong antioxidant activity. Thanks to them juice possesses antifungal, antiviral, antiinflammatory action, carries out a role of an antibiotic and is useful to cardiovascular system. Juice of a mangostin is effective also at supertension, stones in kidneys, arthritis, a cataract, glaucoma, Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis. Drink it also for prevention from oncological diseases. Juice has ability to take off fatigue and to reduce appetite. It promotes combustion of fats and is useful at depressions, ulcers, a diarrhea, an allergy, neuralgia. It strengthens immunity and slows down processes of aging of an organism.

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