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from 399 rub.

Таблетки МилайфMilayf – the dietary supplement (DS) of a plant origin representing biomass of a mycelium of a monoculture of a mushroom Fusarium sambucinum, the geroprotektorny, metabolic, adaptogenny, disintoxication, antimalarial, regenerating, antiparasitic, fortifying, immunomodulatory and antiviral action.

Form of release and structure

  • Tablets of 50 mg (on 50 pieces in packaging planimetric cell or in a polymeric can, 2 packagings or 1 bank in a cardboard pack; on 10 pieces in a bag, 10 bags in a cardboard pack);
  • Tablets of 200 mg (on 30 pieces in packaging planimetric cell or in a polymeric can, 2 packagings or 1 bank in a cardboard pack);
  • Capsules of 50 mg (on 10 pieces in packaging planimetric cell, 2 packagings in a cardboard pack);
  • Capsules of 200 mg (on 10 pieces in packaging planimetric cell, 3 packagings in a cardboard pack);
  • Powder for intake and external use (on 1000 mg in bags, 6 bags in a cardboard pack);
  • Balm nutritious firm (suppositories) on 2200 mg (on 5 pieces in packaging planimetric cell, 2 packagings in a cardboard pack).

Active ingredient – Fusarium sambucinum mycelium biomass, its contents depending on a release form:

  • 1 tablet – 50 or 200 mg;
  • 1 capsule – 50 or 200 mg;
  • 1 bag of powder – 1000 mg;
  • 1 suppository – 2%.

Auxiliary components of tablets: refined sugar, sugar milk, calcium stearate, potato starch.

Auxiliary component of suppositories: cocoa butter (white fraction).

Various biologically active compounds as a part of Fusarium mycelium on chemical structure are brought closer to complex membrane structure of a human cell and determine the multivalence of action of Milayf on exchange, endocrine and immune processes, rendering at the same time on a metabolism and a homeostasis in general the adjusting influence.

Fusarium sambucinum monoculture biomass (VSB-917 strain) contain oligopeptidny connections, low-molecular polypeptide complexes, alkaline oligopeptida, amino acids, including all irreplaceable, making up to 45% of the total amount of amino acids.

Content of irreplaceable amino acids in Fusarium sambucinum mushroom monoculture mycelium biomass:

  • Valine – 1,8-2%;
  • Isoleucine – 1-1,5%;
  • Leucine – 2-2,5%;
  • Lysine – 2,3-3,3%;
  • Methionine – 0,7-0,9%;
  • Tyrosine – 1,1-1,7%;
  • Threonine – 1,8-2,2%;
  • Tryptophane – 0,3-0,5%;
  • Phenylalanine – 1,1-1,4%;
  • Cystine – 0,4-0,5%.

Content of replaceable amino acids in Fusarium sambucinum mushroom monoculture mycelium biomass:

  • Alanine – 2,4-3,6%;
  • Arginine – 2-2,4%;
  • Aspartic acid – 2,6-3,9%;
  • Histidine – 0,6-1,5%;
  • Glycine – 1,4-2,1%;
  • Glutaminic acid – 4-5,2%;
  • Proline – 0,8-1,5%;
  • Serine – 1,4-2%.

Carbohydrates as a part of Milayf are presented by bioactive polysaccharides, and organic acids – lemon, apple, oxaminic, amber, etc.

Composition of lipid fraction of drug (on 1000 mg of biomass of a mycelium):

  • Phospholipids: phosphatidylserine – 0,8-0,9 mg, kephalin (phosphatidylethanolamine) – 3,24-4,32 mg, lecithin (phosphatidylsincaline) – 7,82-10,26 mg;
  • Sterols: ergosterol – 1,29-2,06 mg, 22,23 Dihydroergosterol – 1,23-1,97 mg, 5 Dihydroergosterol – 0,26-0,41 mg;
  • Unsaturated fatty acids: linoleic C (18:2) – 14,6-26,75 mg, olein C (18:1) – 7,94-18,05 mg, palmitoleic C (16:1) – 0,42-1,05 mg, linolenic C (18:3) – 1,56-3,6 mg, ubikhinona of Q9 and Q10 – 0,09-0,2 mg.

More than a half of the fatty acids which are a part – essential (linoleic and linolenic), not synthesized in a human body, received only with food.

Complex of vitamins of group B (on 1000 mg of biomass of a mycelium):

  • Thiamin (B1) – 0,008-0,015 mg;
  • Riboflavinum (B2) – 0,05-0,07 mg;
  • Niacin (B3, PP) – 0,23-0,38 mg;
  • Sincaline (B4) – traces;
  • Pantothenic acid (B5) – 0,038-0,061 mg;
  • Pyridoxine (B6) – 0,01-0,02 mg;
  • Folic acid (B9) – 0,01-0,015 mg;
  • Biotin (B7) – 0,001-0,002 mg;
  • Cyanocobalamine (B12) – 0,007-0,008 mg.

Contents macro - and microelements in drug Milayf (on 1000 mg of biomass of a mycelium):

  • Iron – 0,5-0,8 mg;
  • Potassium – 15,9-22,8 mg;
  • Calcium – 20-39,9 mg;
  • Cobalt – 0,001-0,003 mg;
  • Magnesium – 2,1-3,8 mg;
  • Manganese – 0,028-0,059 mg;
  • Copper – 0,0109-0,019 mg;
  • Molybdenum – 0,001-0,003 mg;
  • Sodium – 0,8-1,7 mg;
  • Nickel – 0,002-0,01 mg;
  • Phosphorus – 11,1-23,8 mg;
  • Chrome – 0,0034-0,008 mg;
  • Zinc – 0,0253-0,061 mg.

Fusarium sambucinum monoculture biomass (VSB-917 strain) does not contain doping components, drug can be used in sports medicine.

Indications to use

  • Dysfunction of immune system, syndrome of chronic fatigue (SCF);
  • Damages of a liver: virus and toxic, including alcoholic (as a part of complex therapy);
  • Immunosuppression and immunodeficiency;
  • Autoimmune diseases: a diabetes mellitus, an autoimmune thyroiditis (as a part of complex therapy);
  • Infections: influenzal, latent forms of herpetic – 6 types of herpes, Chlamidia, ureaplazmozny (for treatment and prevention);
  • The hepatitis C, HIV, infections caused by causative agents of malaria and yellow fever;
  • Himio-and radiation therapy in oncology;
  • Preoperative preparation and post-operational rehabilitation;
  • Neuroendocrinal pathologies: endometriosis, dysfunctions of ovaries (including cystous changes), a mastopathy, a hysteromyoma, infertility;
  • Menopausal syndrome.

Milayf is recommended to use to persons of any age categories at exercises and sport for training and competitive cycles, for the purpose of increase in working capacity and increase in a threshold of fatigue. Dietary supplement is used at rehabilitation of athletes after traumatizing, and also at withdrawal from "big-time sports".

Drug is accepted for a delay of cellular aging (40–60% on lymphoid bodies) and for increase in sexual activity of women and men.


  • Individual hypersensitivity to components;
  • Diseases of kidneys and a liver (a chronic renal failure and cirrhosis in an end-stage).

Route of administration and dosage

Pill Milayf should be taken after food, it is sublingual – placing under language and rassasyvy.

Capsules accept inside, after food.

Solution for processing of trophic ulcers and wound surfaces prepare by cultivation 1000 mg of drug (Milayf in the form of powder) in 50 ml of the water distilled.

Suppositories apply vaginalno or rektalno (in case of discomfort in a vulva, a crotch, at anal fissures and hemorrhoids). Use of suppositories together with a peroral form of drug after consultation with the attending physician is allowed.

During research works on studying of effect of biomass of a monoculture of Fusarium sambucinum two dosages having clinically significant effect on bodies, systems and an organism in general – 50 and 1000 mg were allocated.

Use of various doses and the mode of alternation are defined by the set therapeutic and preventive tasks. The drug in a dose of 100 mg accepted 3 times a day finds and reestablishes the broken communication at the molecular, and also submolecular levels, affecting various clinical symptoms of the chronic pathologies which are available for the person. The dose in 1000 mg accepted till 6-12 once a day carries out direct positive action on the pathology center with replacement of defective cells, stopping clinical manifestations.

The scheme of reception of Milayf is selected individually depending on the basic status of the patient: immunological, neurohumoral, etc.

The starting scheme of use of Milayf approved by laboratory of clinical pharmacology and anti-doping control of the Moscow NPTs of sports medicine:

  1. 1-5 day: 3 times a day on 100 mg;
  2. 6-86 day (12 weeks): on 100 mg 3 times a day Monday through Wednesday, on 1000 mg 3 times a day Thursday through Sunday (in addition Thursday through Sunday accept on 1 dessertspoon of cedar oil a day);
  3. 6-36 day (to women, suppositories Milayf balm nutritious firm are used): on 200 mg intravaginalno, daily, excepting days of menstrual bleeding.

Milayf's reception is supplemented by physical trainings, occupations, exercises.

After carrying out a course of therapy according to the starting scheme, the doctor estimates need and expediency of further use of drug and develops the individual scheme for the patient.

The athletes and persons receiving intensive exercise stresses use the standard starting scheme, but during the strengthened trainings and before competitions increase a dose to 12 000 mg a day (6 times on 2000 mg).

Side effects

During long detailed experimental studying of Milayf no side reactions from its use were revealed.

Drug does not contain preservatives, xenobiotics, other substances causing development of allergic reactions.

Milayf, irrespective of the accepted dose, does not render cancerogenic, mutagen, teratogenic, embriotoksichny action.

Special instructions

For 15 years observations of the persons of different age and a floor accepting biomass of a mycelium of a monoculture of a mushroom Fusarium sambucinum were made, the received results demonstrate that against the background of therapy by Milayf:

  • Levels of all indicators of blood are normalized (biochemical and clinical);
  • Level of hormones of a hypophysis and ovaries in I and II phases of a menstrual cycle is correlated, the amount of progesterone in an ovulation phase increases; at one of observed women of reproductive age the anovulatory cycle was not noted (according to a hormonal profile);
  • Indicators B-and T-cellular links of immune system are normalized;
  • The neurohormonal profile within a reproductive ring a hypothalamus-hypophyses-adrenal glands-ovaries is stabilized and normalized, it allows to recommend drug use to girls in pre-and the pubertal period for removal of a syndrome of psychoemotional lability, and also for the purpose of establishment and normalization of a menstrual cycle;
  • The located fibromatous nodes decrease in sizes subserozno-interstitsialno, up to their full lysis; the insignificant percent of investigated had an ekspulsiya of the fibromatous nodes located submukozno; the multicystous degeneration of ovaries and cellular structure of a myometrium disappear (it is confirmed with results of ultrasonography);
  • Positive dynamics of the electroencephalogram (EEG) is observed: the α-rhythm is normalized, there are zone distinctions, paroxysmal changes in a case of functional loads are leveled that demonstrates normalization of the working condition of mesodiencephalic structures of a brain owing to Milayf's reception (more than in 90% of cases is noted);
  • The krovenapolneniye of pools of carotid arteries improves, the tone of vessels is normalized, signs of a venous staz in the vertebrobazilyarny vascular pool of a brain are not noted; microcirculation improves not only due to regeneration of rheological characteristics of blood, but also because of circulation improvement directly in walls of vessels, including an epithelium (it is confirmed with results of functional researches);
  • The broken neurohumoral regulation and energy resources of a myocardium is recovered owing to what kontraktilny ability of a myocardium, function of positive inotropic stimulation and relaxation of a cardiac muscle improve; compensatory opportunities of systems and bodies, as a result of recovery of biopower processes improve that promotes more economical functioning of heart;
  • The microscopic structure of fibers of smooth muscles and mucous membranes in cases of chronic latent forms of clamidiosis and genital herpes thanks to a massive exit of infectious agents from the infected cells with the subsequent their elimination is recovered (this process is connected with development in an organism under the influence of Milayf of short immunity);
  • The general sports efficiency of athletes increases (not less than by 30%) at course administration of drug for 3 weeks (efficiency is determined by increase in time of run to the full on the tredbena with the raising in steps exercise stress);
  • Antioxidant properties of an organism amplify that is shown morphologically by stabilization of muscle bulk against the background of a consumption of fatty tissue; in control group at similar loadings the disadaptation signs which are expressed total decrease in three morphological components – the muscle bulk, body weight and mass of fat were registered;
  • Increase in blood of athletes of concentration of urea (statistically confirmed data – for 17,8%), and decrease in level of a lactate and hematocrit is prevented; increase in kontraktilny ability of a myocardium and improvement of propulsive function of a cardiac muscle is noted (in case of course use of Milayf);
  • A certain ekonomization of work of circulatory system due to improvement of ability of muscles to oxygen development, and strengthening of ability to isotonic contraction of a cardiac muscle is reached;
  • Positive dynamics from contractility of a myocardium and phases of a systole of a cardial cycle is noted; the preexile period is extended, improving ability of a myocardium to pile on the pressure, necessary for powerful reduction; chamber pressure decreases, creating conditions for reduction of tension in a wall of a left ventricle that together with the lowered systolic characteristics of the size of a left ventricle and thickness of its back wall promotes a certain reduction of systolic meridional and circulator stresses and growth of an index of functioning of structures; at assessment of diastolic function improvement of ability of cardiomyocytes to accumulation of a required power stock was revealed;
  • The immune responsiveness at high-class athletes is regenerated owing to what reduced concentration of immunoglobulins A, G and M is normalized;
  • The level of components of a complement of SZ and S4 lowered as a result of the exhausting physical exercises at athletes at trainings on endurance development is normalized;
  • Factors of nonspecific resistance, such as level of a α-1-glikoprotein and α-2-glikoprotein are normalized, at the same time concentration of a gaptoglobin and seromucoid practically does not change; favorable action on links of cellular immunity is noted (intensity of phagocytosis, activity of phagocytes, lysosomes, monocytes, increase in quantity In - and T lymphocytes).

Medicinal interaction

Milayf it is possible to accept with the antibiotics of a penicillinic and tetracycline row, cephalosporins derivative of nitrofuran and naphthiridine, drugs of a ftorkhinolonovy row, macroleads, drugs of chenodesoxycholic and ursodezoksikholevy acids; the dose of antibiotics at the same time can be lowered on 2/3 at Milayf's reception in a dosage of 1000 mg of 6 times a day for 2-3 days.

Synergy interaction of Milayf with a gamma amino - beta phenyl-butyric acid is revealed.

Biomass of a mycelium Fusarium sambucinum strengthens action membrane stabilizing, antiarrhytmic, protivoparkinsonichesky, anticonvulsants, peripheral vazodilatator and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NPVS), but are not recommended for combined use from oksikama and derivatives of arylcarboxylic acid.

Terms and storage conditions

To store in the dry, dark place at a temperature not above 25 °C. To protect from children.

Period of validity – 2 years.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Milayf of a tablet 500 of Mg of 30 pieces

399 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Milayf тбл 500 mg No. 30, Alina-Pharma of Ltd company

544 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Milayf Svechi of a candle

1150 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
Whether you know that:

The liver is the heaviest body in our body. Its average weight makes 1,5 kg.