Main > Drugs> Peppermint


The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 13 rub.

Мята перечнаяPeppermint – the plant which is widely applied both in national and in official medicine.

Pharmacological action and properties

Stalks, flowers, leaves of mint contain tannins, essential oils, a betaine, hesperidin, organic matters, carotene, flavonoids therefore such properties of a peppermint are known: calming, soothing, cholagogue, spasmolytic, antiseptic.

Leaves of mint increase secretion of glands which are taking part in digestion, stimulate biliation, remove spasms, reduce a tone zhelche-and urinary channels, intestines.

Release form

Produce peppermint oil, peppermint tincture.

It is also possible to use the dried-up and fresh leaves, flowers, mint stalks.

Indications to use

Sedative, soothing properties of a peppermint use at stenocardia, headaches, atherosclerosis, a hypertension, neurotic states, at sleeplessness, pulmonary and cardiac pathologies.

Use of a peppermint at asthma is effective bronchial, damages of upper airways, at a meteorism, nausea, a cholangitis, GIT spasms, vomiting, pathologies of a liver, gall bladder.

Outwardly mint can be applied to rinsings of a mouth at a dentagra and inflammations of gums, to processing of skin at eels, stings of insects.

Route of administration

Tincture of a peppermint is applied inside, on 10-15kap at one time. Therapy lasts before disappearance of symptoms, but it is impossible to drink tincture more 3-4r/days.

Peppermint oil is accepted inside on one drop 2r/put (at heartburn, intestinal gripes, poisonings, nausea), adding it to tea or juice.

At a hypertension, the viral respiratory infection, at weak cerebral circulation, problems with attention, working capacity, sight, can use an aromalampa – to pour two tablespoons of water in which to drop in it 5-8 drops of oil of a peppermint.

Настойка мяты перечнойAt inflammations of gums, for removal of a dentagra, warnings of periodontosis are made by applications with peppermint oil – 5 cap. mix with 10gr other vegetable oil and process a gingiva. It is possible to apply oil and in the form of rinsings – it is the share of 1 glass of water 1-2kap. oils. The oral cavity is rinsed after food.

Side effects

Because of the drugs containing mint allergic reactions (rash, an itch, a headache, nausea, dizziness, heartburn, bronchospasms, respiratory depression) can develop.

At prolonged use of a peppermint the urine incontience (passes after the end of treatment) can develop, to worsen a potentiality at men.

Contraindications to use

Peppermint contraindications: hypersensitivity, pregnancy, age to 6 l, the lowered pressure, a varicosity, a hyperoxemia of a gastric juice.

Also contraindications of a peppermint are its combination to homeopathic remedies and need to carry out the activity demanding the increased concentration of attention.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Mint peppery tincture фл 25 ml, Ekolab of closed joint stock company

13 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Peppermint leaves piece filter package 20

54 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Peppermint leaves ф / pack ice 1.5g No. 20, Krasnogorskleksredstva (Mosk.obl)

54 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Peppermint leaves pack of 50 g, Health Firm of closed joint stock company, Nakhabino

68 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Styx essential oil peppermint of 509 10 ml

700 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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