Main > Medical specialties> Neuropathologist


The neurology is the biological science studying functions and structure of a nervous system at pathology and is normal, and also developing ways of recognition, the prevention and treatment of its pathologies. The neuropathologist – the doctor trained for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of a nervous system. He is engaged in pathological changes in peripheral and central nervous systems. The doctor the neuropathologist reveals not having bonds with mentality of the patient of a deviation in work of a human body. Similar deviations are located directly in nerve terminations of an organism. Refer various displays of atherosclerosis of vessels of a brain in the form of acute or chronic disorder of blood circulation of a brain to neurologic diseases, inflammatory diseases (arachnoidites, meningitis), craniocereberal injuries, Parkinson's disease, neurologic displays of osteochondrosis of a rachis. Sometimes neurologic diseases are connected with psychiatric frustration. In this case knowledge already of two specialists is required.

Невропатолог - специалист по заболеваниям нервной системы

Reception of the neuropathologist

Considering a modern image and a rhythm of life, statistically every third adult needs consultation of the neuropathologist. On reception to the neuropathologist patients come with various complaints, and most often when self-treatment already becomes inefficient. Judging by responses, to the neuropathologist also speeches, nervousness and irritability in most cases handle a headache, migraine, dizziness and faints, dorsodynias and a neck, frustration of a dream, nausea, vomiting, lacks of coordination. Suddenly arisen vision disorder or squint, doubling in eyes are also direct indications to reception of the neuropathologist.

Proceeding from responses, the neuropathologist, first of all, listens to complaints, finds out frequency of repetitions of the arising frustration and pains, their features and intensity. As manifestations at many diseases of a nervous system are very similar among themselves, for more exact diagnosis the doctor the neuropathologist usually appoints an electroencephalography, check of fields of vision, MRT of a brain, UZGD of vessels of a neck and head. Indicators of the general blood test, the analysis on a diabetes mellitus and infections, the analysis on osteoporosis, a toxicological research on poisons, the analysis of a hormonal background can be necessary for the doctor for drawing up the overall clinical picture. Very often the neuropathologist uses data of immunological, cytologic, biochemical, bacteriological, all-clinical and cardiorheumatological trials.

After full diagnosis and diagnosis the doctor appoints treatment. Various diseases demand different therapy. Judging by responses, the neuropathologist usually uses both medicamentous, and non-drug methods of therapy. Refer reception of medicines and vitamins to medicamentous methods, to non-drug – physiotherapy exercises, a diet, physical therapy, massage.

Children's neuropathologist

The children's neuropathologist carries out diagnosis, treatment and prevention of functional disturbances, diseases of peripheral and central nervous systems. Regular routine inspections allow to reveal timely diseases, to appoint diagnosis and treatment. Routine inspection is performed in three months, half a year, in nine months and year. After a year annual obligatory consultation of the neuropathologist is held.

The children's neuropathologist performs treatment of tics, epilepsies, stutters, enuresis, vegeto-vascular dystonia, aphasia, meningitis, brain injuries. Proceeding from responses, to the neuropathologist most often handle in case of headaches in the child, deterioration in concentration of attention, bystry fatigue, refusal of a game toys, sleeplessness, and also at excessive sensitivity to weather conditions, emergence of dizziness, a sonitus.

To the neuropathologist it is worth registering in reception if at the small child the leaden, superficial sleep, temperature increase, spasms is observed. He often wakes up, shows concern, at an emphasis on foot draws in fingers, tiptoes.

If consultation of the neuropathologist took place on the basis of a disease, then on the following reception the doctor collects data on when the first symptoms of a disease and the complaint at the child appeared as pregnancy, childbirth proceeded.

On reception the neuropathologist performs obligatory neurologic inspection, if necessary appoints additional researches, treatment and controls its course.

At the newborn child the doctor the neuropathologist estimates mobility of eyeglobes, skin color and existence on it pigmental and vascular spots, a muscle tone, swallowing, checks reflexes of suction, crawling and swallowing.

In treatment of diseases of a nervous system at children's age both medicines, and physical ways of influence – physical therapy, massage, physiotherapy exercises are used. Recently also absolutely new methods of rehabilitation (computer speech programs and various techniques of improvement of cerebellar stimulation) began to be applied.

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