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Nasal bleeding

Носовое кровотечение

Specialists do not rank nasal bleeding (the medical term – эпистаксис, from Latin epistaxis) as the category of independent diseases. The prime cause of nasal bleeding, as a rule, is the basic disease, traumatic or allergic injuries of a nose and its bosoms. Sometimes, for example, after a heavy exercise stress or strong overfatigue nasal bleeding can be observed at almost healthy person. In a similar case medical care at nasal bleeding is not required since in short terms the expiration of blood from nasal passes stops independently.

Also nasal bleedings which reasons are covered in rather long stay on a frost or in the conditions of arid, hot climate belong to the category of harmless states. Stay in similar conditions leads to excess dehydration and drying of a mucous membrane of nasal passes and as a result, becomes the reason of ruptures of small blood vessels.

Reasons of nasal bleedings

The natural reasons of nasal bleedings at the adult healthy person can consist in an excessive overheat of an organism (influence solar or heatstroke). The nasal bleeding which resulted from an overheat is usually combined with dizziness, strong weakness, a sonitus and an unconscious state.

Nasal bleedings which reasons have traumatic character (blows, bruises, falling, etc.) are combined with pronounced puffiness of the injured area and sharp morbidity of nearby fabrics. If the fracture of facial bones or cartilaginous tissues takes place, deformation is visually noticeable.

The reasons of nasal bleeding consisting in inflammatory processes in nasal passes and adjacent bosoms (sinusitis, rhinitis, a frontal sinusitis, antritis and so forth), as a rule, are followed by mucous bloody allocations with clots from the nasal courses, sometimes, the increased body temperature.

If nasal bleeding arose at the person having a chronic hypertension, then most often this symptom testifies hypertensive crisis - sharp increase in arterial pressure owing to which there are ruptures of walls of the smallest blood vessels in a nose.

As the reasons of nasal bleedings reception of some medicines, in particular, of nasal sprays, means against an allergy (antihistamines), corticosteroids, drugs against a blood coagulation can serve (aspirin, heparin and so forth).

Except the above-stated reasons, the nasal bleedings arising rather often can testify to the reduced level of development of thrombocytes in an organism (a so-called Werlhof's disease), and also to possible existence of such terrible diseases as aplastic anemia or a leukosis.

Frequent nasal bleedings can become the only sign of the beginning high-quality or malignant new growth in nasal pass.

Types of nasal bleedings

Nasal bleeding at children

Виды носовых кровотеченийFeatures of development of respiratory system at early age cause the fact that nasal bleedings are not always caused in children by any morbid conditions. Most often nasal bleeding is caused in children by injury of a mucous membrane of nasal passes mechanically – fingers, introduction to a nose of small foreign objects, traumatic injuries of a nose during falling, a bruise etc.

If at the child in a bleeding time from a nose are emitted slime with dense bloody clots, then, most likely at it inflammatory process in a nasal cavity proceeds (rhinitis, sinusitis and so forth) and the corresponding treatment is required.

The long nasal bleedings at children arising constantly and which are combined with developing of hematomas and bruises can demonstrate disturbance of processes of coagulability of blood or about a disease of hemophilia.

Nasal bleeding at pregnant women

Nasal bleeding during pregnancy quite widespread phenomenon. This fact by the fact that in an organism of the pregnant woman essential shortage of vitamin K – the irreplaceable participant of processes of coagulability of blood is often observed is explained. The lack of vitamin K is the reason not only frequent nasal bleedings, but also the raised bleeding of gums, and also emergence of numerous bruises in women during pregnancy.

If nasal bleeding at the pregnant woman is followed by a severe headache or dizziness, then perhaps this situation is accompanied by increase in arterial pressure (that often happens during pregnancy) and then the urgent address to the gynecologist conducting pregnancy is necessary.

Treatment of nasal bleedings

Rendering medical assistance and treatment of nasal bleeding in the conditions of medical institution is required in the following complicated cases:

  • plentiful nasal bleedings at children with suspicion on hit of a foreign body in nasal passes;
  • nasal bleeding resulted from traumatizing and is combined with puffiness and deformation changes in area of a nose;
  • nasal bleeding arose at the patient with the diagnosis "a chronic hypertension" against the background of jump of arterial pressure;
  • the frequent and plentiful nasal bleedings which are combined with formation of numerous bruises and hematomas, bleeding of gums and other symptoms of dysfunctions of coagulability of blood;
  • the nasal bleeding of any etiology which is not stopping at the acceptance of independent measures for its stop throughout time exceeding 30 minutes.

Лечение носового кровотечения тысячелистникомIn the conditions of a hospital apply the following manipulations to elimination of ongoing nasal bleeding:

  • Tamponade of nasal passes at which tampons are entered into nasal cavities gauze (greased with special styptic paste or vaseline). The tamponade can be made both from an oral cavity (back), and from nasal passes (lobby);
  • The operational stop of nasal bleeding is shown when other tried measures were ineffective.

One-time nasal bleedings of treatment do not demand. Special attention needs to be paid to a condition of the health if bleedings from a nose repeat rather often (without any visible reason, it explaining). In this case the address to the doctor for clarification of the exact reasons of nasal bleedings will become an optimal variant.

Whether you know that:

During sneezing our organism completely stops working. Even heart stops.