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Orchitis is called the small egg inflammation. This disease in urological practice meets quite often, however as a rule, it does not arise independently, and is result of a complication of the general infectious processes proceeding in an organism.Орхит - воспаление яичка

Orchitis reasons

Spread of the infection, sexually transmitted (I,ST) from other bodies of urinogenital system on a small egg happens the most frequent reason of an orchitis. Gonokokk, trichomonads, chlamydias, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas belong to such activators. The orchitis origin, the second for frequency, – entering with an infection blood flow, most often an orchitis causes a virus of the epidemic parotitis, in the people called by a mumps. Except the causative agent of parotitis, as the reason of an orchitis both the influenza virus, and a virus of chicken pox, and a pneumococcus, and others can serve. In certain cases the orchitis results from autoimmune process, for example, at rheumatic polyarthritis. Also the orchitis can appear as a result of an injury of a small egg or as a complication after an operative measure in external genitals of the man.

Orchitis symptoms

On character of a current distinguish an acute orchitis and a chronic orchitis, the inflammation, as a rule, arises on the one hand, but approximately in 10% of cases symptoms of an orchitis are shown in both testicles.

The acute orchitis has the sharp beginning. The first symptom of an orchitis is the severe pain in a small egg amplifying at the movement, the small egg evenly increases in sizes, scrotum skin over it stretches, becomes smooth, hot and hyperemic, the touch causes sharp pain. The acute orchitis is followed by the general aggravation of symptoms: body temperature rises to 38 - 40 °C, fever joins, head and muscular pains, weakness develop. At acceptance of active medical measures symptoms of an orchitis pass in 7-10 days if a disease not to treat, three ways of development of process are possible: there can occur self-healing within 2-3 weeks, the disease can pass into a chronic form or abscess (a purulent inflammation) of a small egg will develop.

The chronic orchitis can be a consequence of not cured acute orchitis, or to be primary and chronic, i.e. infectious process arises as chronic at once, usually it is peculiar for the orkhit caused by STD. In this case symptoms of an orchitis can be absent in general, and the disease comes to light accidentally at inspection concerning infertility to which often leads a chronic orchitis. The only symptom of an orchitis in its chronic form, as a rule, are the insignificant pains in a small egg developing usually at a certain position of a body or palpation.

Diagnosis of an orchitis

The diagnosis of an orchitis is made on the basis of data of the anamnesis (the postponed diseases, injuries, etc.), external survey of external genitals and ultrasonography. The great value is attached to identification of an infestant as treatment of an orchitis therefore researches for detection of STD are conducted depends on it; also undertake the general blood test and urine, the small egg puncture with laboratory studying of punctate is carried out.

Treatment of an orchitis

Treatment of an orchitis of acute and chronic forms differs a little, however both in that and in other case the main actions have to be directed to treatment of the basic disease which led to emergence of an orchitis.

At an acute orchitis the shock course of antibacterial therapy is appointed what antibiotics of a broad spectrum of activity as bystry acceptance of vigorous measures is required are applied to, and there is no opportunity to wait for results of bacterial crops. In a complex with them also anesthetics are appointed nonsteroid antiinflammatory. The bed rest is offered to the patient, and in case of a physical activity carrying a suspenzoriya – the special bandage supporting a small egg in a certain situation is necessary. At sharply expressed pain syndrome carry out blockade of a seed cord by means of an injection of anesthetics. The fat, fried and acute products, and also alcohol are excluded from consumption for treatment.

Treatment of an orchitis chronic has to be consecutive and persistent as the chronic orchitis difficult gives in to therapy, but can become the reason of infertility of the man. As well as at treatment of an orchitis acute, antibacterial drugs are appointed, however they carefully are selected according to data of a bacterial research. As a rule, treatment of a chronic orchitis demands several courses of antibacterial therapy by different drugs, in a complex with hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. In parallel physiotherapeutic methods are actively applied: The UVCh-therapy, magnetotherapy, laser therapy warming compresses and heat sedentary baths. The same medical actions are appointed at treatment of an acute orchitis in a stage of subsiding of an inflammation, but smaller courses. Treatment of a chronic orchitis also demands observance of a diet and refusal of addictions.

Orchitis complications

The most frequent complication of an acute orchitis is development of a pyocele – the purulent inflammation bringing or to fusion of a small egg, or to burrowing. Such complications are treated in the surgical way for what the small egg is opened, wash out antiseptic agents and drain. In case of burrowing it is excised and taken in. If there occurred full purulent fusion of a small egg, perform operation on its removal – an orkhektomiya.

Аппарат квантовой терапии Менслюкс для лечения орхита

Complication of a chronic orchitis is infertility as a result of decrease in secretory function of a small egg, in certain cases chronic process can lead to an atrophy of a small egg or to a gidrotsela – a hydrocele. The undertreated chronic orchitis leads to emergence of other inflammations of urinogenital system and as the constant center of persistent infection to decrease in immunity with all that it implies.

Forecast of an orchitis

The acute orchitis has more favorable forecast, than chronic, concerning further male health. As a rule, at acceptance of timely medical measures, the acute orchitis passes completely. The chronic orchitis is treated with great difficulty, demands persistence both from the doctor, and from the patient, but sometimes even in case of full treatment secretory function of a small egg can be considerably reduced. The bilateral orchitis postponed at children's and youthful age is especially dangerous in this sense. As prevention of a disease timely, earlier treatment of an orchitis is of great importance.

Whether you know that:

In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.