Main > Food stuffs> Pangasius


Pangasius – the fresh-water fish of the Pangasiidae family called "spark som" thanks to a characteristic shape of a body and an acute, "spark" fin. An area of dwelling of a pangasius – the rivers and reservoirs of East Asia (Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos). The largest population of a pangasius is found in the rivers Chaupkhray and Mekong.

Филе пангасиуса

Pangasius – the predatory benthonic fish hunting Crustacea, mollusks, small and enough large fishes. Has the dark gray color of a body from above which is gradually passing to light gray on sides and a belly. Pangasius fins – black or dark-gray color. Can reach 1,3 m long and weight more than 44 kg, however, the sizes of an average individual suitable for commercial use, usually do not exceed 1-1,5 kg.

Distinguish two species of a pangasius:

  • Pangasius hypophthalmus or Siamese pangasius;
  • Pangasius bocourti or Bokort's pangasius.

The main supplier of a pangasius – Vietnam: this country grows up and exports up to 90% of the spark som made around the world. A turn from the Vietnamese specialized fish farms makes about 1 million tons of a pangasius annually. To Russia and Ukraine it is delivered, generally only to pangasius fillet in vacuum packagings.

Pangasius fillet at the Vietnamese plants prepares manually: from a carcass bones, skin and fat (trimming) then it is exposed to freezing are removed and is packed. For protection of a product against crusting of fillet of a pangasius becomes covered by a thin crust of ice. The procedure is called a gleyzing. In the Russian and Ukrainian market the pangasius often is represented as a sole, however, actually are two absolutely different products.

Useful properties of a pangasius

The pangasius who is grown up in environmentally friendly conditions is a product, useful to health of the person. Group B vitamins, PP, A vitamins, E, C are a part of its meat. Calcium, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium belong to number of the macrocells which are present at pangasius fillet; microelements - zinc, iron, chrome, fluorine and some other.

In comparison with other fresh-water fishes the pangasius differs in high content the Omega-3 of fatty acids and proteins. The advantage of a pangasius caused by structure of the components entering it is especially high for the people having diseases of cardiovascular system, digestive tract and a musculoskeletal system.

Pangasius caloric content

In spite of the fact that this fish belongs to the category fat, the caloric content of a pangasius is low – it makes only 89 kcal / 100 gram of an edible part. The pangasius allows to carry it to dietary products.

Energy value of a pangasius:

  • Proteins - 15 g (67%);
  • Fats - 3 g; (30%);
  • Carbohydrates - 0 g.

Pangasius in cookery

Fillet of a pangasius is used for preparation of the first, second courses, salads, snack, baked puddings, a souffle, stuffings for pies, etc. Ways of preparation of a pangasius are limited only to the imagination of the hostess: it can be fried, cooked, baked.

It is recommended to defreeze pangasius fillet under natural conditions, without the aid of hot water and the microwave oven, to that degree when fillet can be knifed without effort. Further defrosting of fish will happen already on a frying pan or in a pan: so the pangasius will be able to keep the maximum quantity of useful substances.

Пангасиус жареный

Harm of a pangasius

Now say much that the pangasius is harmful to the use. Actually, the fish who is grown up artificially on fish farms of Vietnam can constitute health hazard of the person.

First of all, for the reason that the river Mekong serving as the main habital of a pangasius is in the densely populated region of the country and cannot brag of purity: both waste of productions, and sewer drains come to a reservoir. Besides, chemical additives can be applied to acceleration of growth of fish on some productions.

To claim that the pangasius is unhealthy unambiguously it is impossible – quality of fillet of fish can be unsatisfactory only because of the producer. In cases of the use of the pangasius living in the environmentally friendly environment, the advantage of seafood is obvious.

Whether you know that:

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