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Pikolinat of chrome

The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 196 rub.

Пиколинат хрома капсулы

Pikolinat of chrome is dietary supplement to food which supports the content of chrome in an organism. Drug is well acquired and has no toxicity. Dietary supplement is applied to prevention of atherosclerosis, a diabetes mellitus, obesity and disturbance of carbohydrate metabolism.

Structure and form of release

The main active ingredient – a trivalent form of chrome of 0,2 mg.

Pikolinat of chrome is issued in capsules in a plastic bottle on 100 pieces and in the form of spray in bottles on 25 - 50 ml.

Pharmacological properties Pikolinat of chrome

Pikolinat of chrome fills shortage of chrome in an organism, normalizes lipidic exchange and reduces the content of glucose in blood. Dietary supplement well is acquired and is a natural source of useful substances.

Pikolinat of chrome has positive reviews as effective biological additive which reduces feeling of hunger and regulates appetite.

Chrome as the main active ingredient of dietary supplement positively influences formation of a stereoform of insulin that promotes not only to regulation of normal level of sugar in blood, but also to decrease in level of cholesterol.

As a result of medical researches of the Russian Academy of Medical Science positive organoleptic properties of this dietary supplement were revealed. Pikolinat of chrome received also good comments as the medicine improving intracellular exchange and promoting decrease in body weight.

Pikolinat of chrome reduces risk of development of astenovegetativny reactions (a depression, uneasiness, sleeplessness, nervous breakdowns) and atherosclerosis. Chrome promotes normal work of the central nervous system and strengthens elasticity of vessels, and also improves functioning of the alimentary system.

Indications to use

Pikolinat of chrome is appointed at deficit of chrome, hormonal disturbances, a diabetes mellitus, frustration of a nervous system, obesity and anorexia, and also at stressful states and hormonal failures.

According to the recommendation of the attending physician Pikolinat of chrome is applied to prevention of atherosclerosis and heart failure, to increase in immunity and protective functions of an organism, at headaches and sleeplessness.

Application instruction Pikolinat of chrome

Пиколинат хрома 100

According to the instruction Pikolinat of chrome is appointed on 1-2 capsules 2 times a day or till 10-20 drops during food 2 times a day. The daily dose of drug should not exceed 1 ml, that is no more than 200 mkg of chrome. Duration of a course of treatment makes 10-25 days.

Following the results of doping researches Pikolinat of chrome is allowed to reception by professional athletes.

According to the instruction Pikolinat of chrome, the dosage of drug has to be lowered to patients with diseases of cardiovascular system, the central nervous system and brain. To reception Pikolinat of chrome a contraindication is a diabetes mellitus in the fourth stage.


To appointment Pikolinat of chrome contraindications are the individual intolerance of components of drug, pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding, a renal and liver failure.

With care drug is appointed at children's age up to 16 years, to patients with a diabetes mellitus and Parkinson's disease, and also at advanced age.

Side effects Pikolinat of chrome

Pikolinat of chrome does not cause serious side effects and complications. In rare instances after administration of drug nausea, dizziness, a meteorism, vomiting can develop.

At a long course of treatment and the wrong dosage Pikolinat of chrome can provoke allergic reactions – urticaria, an itch, a bronchospasm, a Quincke's edema, dermatitis.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Pikolinat Hroma bottle of 50 Ml

196 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Solgar Pikolinat Hroma of piece capsule 90

1178 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Solgar Pikolinat of chrome капс No. 90, Solgar Vitamin AND HERB

1244 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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