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Small fry

The small fry is the small fish belonging to family cyprinid. She lives in fresh-water reservoirs.

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Structure of small fry

Many people consider that time the small fry costs little, it cannot be a useful food stuff. But this opinion is actually deeply wrong. Meat of this fish contains 19% of protein, 0,4% of fat and 0% of carbohydrates. Protein of small fry is acquired by a human body much better, than protein of beef. Low content of fat and total absence of carbohydrates allow to use this fish in a diet of the people suffering from a diabetes mellitus and/or obesity.

The small fry contains in a large number A, C, B1, B2, PP and E vitamins. It is also rich both various macro - and microelements: nickel, chlorine, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, molybdenum, fluorine. Only 100,0 g of meat of small fry can provide needs of the adult for PP and A vitamins on a third, and also completely cover the need for chrome.

Though the small fry has not enough fat in meat, but it is valuable to the person since contains the polyunsaturated fatty acids having the expressed antioxidant properties. Thanks to these properties polyunsaturated fatty acids play an important role in prevention of development of such serious diseases as a stroke, a cataract, a pseudorheumatism, Alzheimer's disease, a myocardial infarction, cancer. In addition they prevent an organism senilism.

Small fry caloric content

In spite of the fact that at meat of small fry there are fatty acids, its 100,0 g contain only 100 kcal. Thanks to such low caloric content the small fry is quite often used in food of the people aiming to lose weight. Especially often this fish is included a so-called Japanese diet. Sufficient content in it of protein, vitamins and microelements will save you from painful feeling of hunger, but in too time will not lead to increase in weight of your body.

Useful properties of small fry

Considering structure of meat of small fry, this fish can be carried to dietary products. Nutritionists recommend to include it in a diet of children and elderly people, and also pregnant women and the feeding mothers. Besides the small fry joins in dietary food of the people who transferred operative measures, having an allergy, diseases of digestive tract and cardiovascular system.

The small fry is recommended to be eaten in a stewed or boiled look, and also as a part of fish soups. And here frequent consumption of dried or smoked small fry moreover and together with beer, will hardly bring benefit to your health.

The small fry due to maintenance in the meat of fatty acids and vitamins is used not only in medicine (dietary food), but also in cosmetology.

Use of small fry in medicine

The conducted scientific research showed that daily consumption of the boiled or baked small fry (100,0 g) reduce risk of premature death more than by 20%. Daily receipt in a human body at this way of preparation of small fry of polyunsaturated fatty acids makes 3,3 grams. For comparison: tinned fish contains only 0,8 g of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the same quantity.

At women process of digestion of these acids happens much better, than at men. Therefore even a small amount of the eaten small fry has salutary effect on their organism. And if also to consider the low caloric content of small fry, then becomes clear as this fish especially is important for women.

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Small fry in cosmetology

In cosmetology small fry caviar is widely used. It contains the substances improving a condition of skin and a hair. Thanks to them integuments gain healthy color and from them various rashes disappear, and hair become stronger and more dense. Cosmetics on the basis of caviar of small fry is most often recommended for women is more senior than thirty-year age. This results from the fact that it has the powerful stimulating and rejuvenating properties.

Now producers produce various series of cosmetics which part the extract from small fry caviar is. Among them it is always possible to pick up those means which will be ideal for your type of skin and will render on it really magic effect.

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