Main > Food stuffs> Radish


The radish is the edible plant relating to family cabbage which grows in a wild look in Central Asia and as a cultivated plant - in Europe and America. Fruits of this vegetable have the oblong or rounded form, white color with a yellowish shade and tart sweetish taste.


Biological features and distribution

The radish represents a plant with branchy stalks and yellowish petals. The ovary is located on a fruit stem, and root crops have spherical shape and come to an end with a long nose. The thin skin of a root crop can have a greenish, pink, violet and black shade.

The radish was for the first time grown up in the territory of Ancient Egypt and became the main ingredient for vegetable oil. Then vegetable was delivered on the territory of Greece, and later is widespread on all Europe and Asia.

Ancient Greeks and Egyptians appreciated big advantage of a radish for treatment of catarrhal diseases and strengthening of an organism. And also the radish for cough and inflammations of respiratory tracts was often applied.

There are several main types of a radish:

  • White is a hybrid and has rich tart taste;
  • Seaside grows on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and on coast of the Black Sea;
  • Wild (field) is the weed plant extending among crops in Europe and North America;
  • The sowing campaign (garden) has a set of subspecies, including a garden radish, a black radish, Lobo and daikon.

Useful properties of a radish

The radish contains essential oils, vitamins of group B, C and A, enzymes, organic matters, glucosides, sugar and amino acids. Useful properties of a radish are shown, thanks to its structure rich with phytoncides, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, cellulose and sulfur-containing substances.

In root crops of this vegetable a large amount of carbohydrates and mineral salts which are necessary for strengthening of protective properties of a human body.

The radish possesses antimicrobic and bactericidal actions which help with fight against viral infections. The radish for cough as an expectorant is especially effective. Add honey to its juice and accept daily. Apply a radish for cough of various type – bronchitis, a reflux, spastic cough.

The grated radish is used for treatment of radiculitis, and the crude plant with oil promotes work of the alimentary system, improves appetite, brings excess liquid out of an organism. Glucosides and essential oils in a vegetable assist dissolution of stones in a bladder.

The advantage of a radish at treatment of diseases of a liver, strengthening of hair and nails is high, and also at recovery of an organism after inflammatory process. Juice of a radish has medicinal properties, contains raphanol and butyl - mustard oil. Compresses with juice of this vegetable and addition of vodka impose on sore joints.

As a result of the international scientific research the advantage of a radish for people with atherosclerosis, gout, diseases of digestive and urinogenital systems was revealed.

At flu and a SARS recommend to use a grated black radish with honey, and rub freshly cooked juice in skin at miozita, stretchings and neuritis.

Radish caloric content

On caloric content the radish is similar to other vegetables and is a low-calorie dietary product.

Caloric content of a radish makes 36 kcal., and also it contains 1 g of proteins and 7 g of carbohydrates.

Consumption of a radish

Root crops of a radish can be eaten in the crude, fried, boiled and soared look, and also to prepare from them juice and gruel. Root crops use for preparation of salads, okroshka and snack, and add foliage to soups and meat dishes.

Acute grades of a radish in Europe use for preparation of juicy salads with addition of vegetable oil, vinegar, spices and black rye bread. Vitamin salads from root crops of this vegetable are useful to immunity.

In France popularly stewed meat with a radish and soup with slices of fried vegetable. In Russia a traditional dish from a radish was тюря, representing cold salty croutons soup.

Салат с редькой


The radish is contraindicated at a serious illness of the alimentary system, and also after operations on bodies of a GIT.

It is not necessary to use this vegetable at high predisposition to allergic reactions to essential oils.

To people with diseases of kidneys, a liver, a pancreas, intestines and heart it is not necessary to use a fresh radish. It is better to boil or steam vegetable, and also to add to it oil, carrots or apples.

Whether you know that:

Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.