Main > Diagnostic methods> Reografiya


Definition of a reografiya: short description

Процедура центральной реографииReografiya — a diagnostic method at which the blood stream both in specific bodies and fabrics, and in all organism in general is investigated. The essence of a reografiya consists in graphic registration by means of the special device Yo — a reograf — the changes of electric conductance of body caused by pulse fluctuations of a blood flow.

Among all structures of our organism blood has the highest electric conductance. It means that during systolic reduction of heart when blood flows in nearby bodies, electric conductance of these body parts will be high, and at the time of relaxation of a cardiac muscle (diastole), opposite — low. On the basis of indications of a reograf the curve of pulse fluctuations called reogrammy is removed.

Reografiya advantages

Reografiya — a noninvasive method that means harmless to an organism. Really: no intervention in its work happens. Skin and fabrics are not injured, the electric current passed through them has so small size and frequency that it is simply not capable to cause any notable damage.

Harmlessness — not the only advantage of a reografiya. This method has high sensitivity. Reografiya allows to estimate the general condition of blood supply, to reveal blood supply disturbance as separate body, whether it be a brain, kidneys or a liver, and all organism.

What represents a reograf?

Reograf basis — the generator of electric current and a nozzle for transfer of the taken measurements in a graphic form. Reogramma registers by means of the metal electrodes imposed on target body parts. Before a reografiya between an electrode and a body surface of the patient place the fabric laying impregnated with chloride sodium solution (it will improve their mutual contact), and wipe skin with spirit solution to remove a fatty film.

What can be seen on a reogramma?

Reogramma has a sinusoid appearance with more steep slope characterizing an arterial blood stream and smooth descent which, in turn, is display of a venous blood-groove. Thoroughly to analyze a condition of a blood-groove, when carrying out a reografiya it is necessary to remove a set of such curves. The experienced doctor-diagnostician will pay attention to a curve regularity (similarity between several curves) and its form, existence and quantity of additional curves in a declining phase. So, for example, at vegeto-vascular dystonia and arrhythmias the next curves happen different in a form.

Компьютерный реографический комплекс для проведения реографииIn addition to performance external curves, the doctor solves some more mathematical problems: the reografichesky index for which a certain interval at which exit out of limits it is possible to judge existence of pathology, and some more indicators (an amplitude-frequency indicator, an indicator of venous outflow, a transmission time of pulse wave) is established is calculated by special formulas.

Central reografiya: cardiac performance under magnifying glass

The central reografiya — a blood-groove research in a pulmonary artery and an aorta — an excellent way to estimate work of your heart. On a krovenapolneniye of easy and right ventricles judge a condition of sokratitelny function of heart. Normal the reogramma of a pulmonary artery looks as follows: the flat ascending part (on an aorta reogramma this piece more abrupt), a round top with small "dimple" or an additional wave and smooth descent. When carrying out the central reografiya allocate the following types реограмм depending on a condition of a blood-groove in heart and lungs:

  • hypervolemic (the increased blood-groove volume). It is reflected higher sharp-pointed curve with the abrupt descending part in a reogramma;
  • hypovolemic (the reduced blood-groove volume). Height of a curve decreases, on its ascending part appears "notches", top — the flat, descending part takes more flat form;
  • hypertensive (supertension in vessels of lungs). The curve has the steep slope, round top and flat descent.

Reografiya of vessels

Reografiya of vessels or a reovazografiya allows to estimate a blood stream in vessels on the periphery, that is in extremities. Main "targets" of a reovazografiya — vessels of a shoulder of a forearm, a brush (upper extremities), hips, shins, feet (the lower extremities). Reografiya of vessels is carried out by the same way as it was described above: rectangular or tape electrodes are used, leather under them is processed by solution of sodium chloride or special electroconductive gel. To investigate a blood stream on some certain site (a shoulder, a shin, etc.) one electrode impose at the beginning of this site, and another, respectively — in its end. For example, if to speak about a shin, then the area of an ankle joint and a popliteal space will be these points.

The wave on a normal reogramma has the abrupt ascending part, the round top and flat descent with possible additional waves. By means of a reografiya of vessels it is possible to make, for example, such diagnosis as an obliterating endarteritis, or as it is called still, "the smoker's leg": a chronic disease at which arteries of a shin and foot are surprised. It is reflected in a reogramma in decrease in height of a curve, flattening of top, lack of additional waves.

Thus, if there are premises or suspicions on malfunctions with peripheral vessels (loss of their tone, elasticity, narrowing of a gleam or even obstruction), then the reografiya of vessels will be able to give the answer to the concerning questions.

Whether you know that:

Caries is the most widespread infectious disease in the world to which even flu cannot compete.