Main > Diseases> Pseudorheumatism


Short characteristic of a disease

Ревматоидный артрит

The pseudorheumatism is an autoimmune, chronic disease of connecting fabric which generally affects joints of the person. Distribution on other internals, as well as trophic disturbances, is noted only at the started disease stages in the absence of adequate treatment. Now the pseudorheumatism which symptoms are shown more often at women than at men, meets at any age that, apparently, is connected with distribution of addictions and an unhealthy way of life of young people.

Pseudorheumatism – symptoms and a clinical picture

The following manifestations are characteristic of an initial stage of a disease:

  • the general fatigue, especially in the morning and after a dream;
  • fervescence;
  • constraint of joints;
  • painful feelings in the field of defeat;
  • swelling of the damaged sites.

As the pseudorheumatism can affect several joints at once, pain is quite often shown at the same time in different parts of a body. Sometimes symptoms appear suddenly, but most often painful feelings increase slowly. At the same time at patients are noted: numbness of extremities, appetite loss, weight reduction, bystry fatigue after insignificant exercise stresses and excessive sweating. The pseudorheumatism which treatment was not carried out during a long period leads to deformation of joints and other serious complications. In particular, at the started disease stages at patients hypodermic cones, pleurisy, anemia and inflammations of eyes come to light.

In the course of further development the pseudorheumatism causes an erosion of cartilages and bones, and also promotes emergence of hems around a joint and other defeats of soft tissues. In some cases destructive process develops to such an extent that the joint loses all the durability, becomes unstable, cannot keep body weight. Mergings of joints also are characteristic of late stages of a disease. At the same time their surfaces connect so densely that lose mobility. Dangerously the fact that even the started pseudorheumatism which symptoms, according to the logic of things, have to be shown very intensively can find nothing itself during a long period. Respectively, many patients feel perfectly for the time being and do not even guess development of serious pathology. This problem is solved with the help of regular visits to the orthopedist and periodic comprehensive examination of an organism.

Juvenile pseudorheumatism

The juvenile pseudorheumatism is an inflammatory disease which usually comes to light at children up to 16 years. The exact etiology of inflammatory process is unknown. Besides, the juvenile form of arthritis is characterized by a difficult pathogeny and the rapid progressing current. Quite often inflammatory reactions affect not only joints, but also other internals, resulting in disability of the child. At the moment the juvenile pseudorheumatism meets approximately at 12-19 cases on 100 000 children's population. The acute form of a disease to which heavy symptoms and the adverse forecast are inherent if treatment began too late is especially dangerous. The subacute onset of the illness is less dangerous as in this situation the symptomatology is expressed poorly or at all is absent. It is possible to determine a pseudorheumatism by such signs as:

  • change of normal gait;
  • swelling of the injured joint (sometimes without special morbidity);
  • morning constraint of joints;
  • visual acuity falling;
  • bystry fatigue.

If the child has at least one of these signs, you have to see a doctor immediately. He will make the exact diagnosis, will appoint optimum treatment and will take care of that the juvenile pseudorheumatism did not lead to serious pathological changes.

Pseudorheumatism – treatment by traditional methods

Лечение ревматоидного артрита

Basis of traditional treatment make antiinflammatory medicines. Only the qualified doctor as efficiency of similar means very strongly varies depending on weight of symptoms, age of the patient and other important factors has to select them. Let's notice also that antiinflammatory drugs do not remove a cause of illness, but they kill pain, constraint and a swelling of joints. For this reason, at the diagnosis the pseudorheumatism, treatment by anti-inflammatory drugs is considered an integral part of all recovery procedures.

In the period of an aggravation glucocorticoids are usually appointed sick, but it is necessary to take them with caution not to allow serious side effects. In recent years there were developments of essentially new medicines which are at the same time influencing and on symptoms, and a current of a pseudorheumatism. The methotrexate is among such drugs, for example. It slows down progressing of an inflammation and kills severe pains.

We will review briefly those actions which have to be accepted at different stages of a disease.

In the period of an aggravation ice will be very effective, but do not leave it on the inflamed site more than 5 minutes. Applying of ice should be repeated several times a day. Also thermal procedures will be good. They perfectly kill dull ache and constraint. Important point: do not put the bottle filled with hot water, directly to the inflamed site as it will strengthen painful symptoms. Besides, in the period of an aggravation it is necessary to provide to joints rest and to avoid their long situation in the bent state.

During remission it is very important to recover force of muscles as the pseudorheumatism leads to essential easing of muscular activity. For recovery the special gymnastics is used, but it is necessary to carry out exercises under control of the specialist of LFK. To unload joints, get a cane of the correct length and orthopedic footwear. Surely refuse smoking and eat properly. The products rich with calcium have to become the main food in your diet.

National treatment of a pseudorheumatism

At once we will note that at the diagnosis a pseudorheumatism, treatment by folk remedies is used only for removal of unpleasant symptoms. It means that national treatment of a pseudorheumatism is not capable to remove an etiology, but, at the same time, it helps to reduce pain, removes constraint of joints, increases quality of life of the patient. The most effective, the recipes of broths, tinctures and ointments checked by time we give below.

  • apply turpentine mix (150 ml) to grinding of the inflamed sites, olive oil (150 ml), 70% of alcohol (150 ml) and camphor (3 g). It is possible to rub the struck area also with drugs from pine gallipot;
  • fill a half liter bottle with a red clover and fill in with vodka. Mix infuses within 10 days in the dark place. Then filter solution and use it for grindings or compresses;
  • fill in 50 g of camphor and 50 g of mustard powder of 100 ml. alcohol. Connect the received mix with ovalbumin and insist within a day in the warm, dark place. Infusion for grinding of sore joints is used;
  • fill a mattress fresh leaves of a fern and have a rest only on such improvised natural bed. They say that after several weeks the pseudorheumatism will disappear forever, as well as many other diseases of joints.
Whether you know that:

The most high temperature of a body was recorded at Uilli Jones (USA) who came to hospital with a temperature of 46,5 °C.