Main > Food stuffs> Sprat


Sprat – subspecies of a small food fish of family seldevy. The sprat lives in waters of the Baltic Sea with the lowered salinity and carries the name the Baltic herring.

Рыба салака

Length of a sprat reaches 20 cm (in certain cases, to 37 cm), weight – to 76 grams. This small small fish is a champion of fishing trade of the Baltic Sea, making more than 50% of the catch got in this area.

The sprat differs from the herring spawning in the Atlantic sea, the lowered content of fat, however, it is a fine product for preparation of smoked products, pickles and marinades. In some regions of Russia the sprat carries the proud name "kipper".

In Sweden and in Finland the sprat is a national dish, and in Holland the festival in honor of this tasty and useful fish annually is organized.

Advantage of a sprat

As well as any other seafood, a sprat contains irreplaceable amino acids and the Omega-3 fatty acids which fight against the increased content of cholesterol in blood, preventing emergence of atherosclerotic changes in vessels. The use the Omega-3 of fatty acids with food (and our organism is not capable to produce these substances independently) improves work of cardiovascular system (reducing risks of heart attacks and heart attacks), normalizes blood pressure, removes inflammatory processes in joints, improves sight, promote more successful work of a brain. Besides, the Omega-3 fatty acids are the fine antioxidant strengthening immunity, bringing free radicals and other toxic agents out of an organism.

On it the advantage of a sprat is not exhausted: in this small fish the content of vitamins (A, D, B1, V2, V12, S, E, PP), and also micro and macrocells is big: magnesium (20 mg), calcium (20 mg), sodium (70 mg), phosphorus (220 mg), potassium (210 mg), are gray (150 mg), chlorine (165 mg), zinc (1,35 mg), gland (1 mg), iodine (50 mkg), manganese (0,09 mg), is lame (5 mkg), nickel (6 mkg), molybdenum (4 mkg). A sprat – the product differing in the increased content of fluorine (430 mkg), copper (160 mkg) and cobalt (25 mkg).

Caloric content of a sprat

100 grams of a sprat contain 120-125 kilocalories, from them 5,6 g of fats and 17,3 g of proteins. At the same time the players of a sprat are changed depending on the characteristic of fish. Thus, indicators of caloric content of a sprat make:

  • Sprat crude (125 kcal, 5 g of fats, 17 g of proteins);
  • Smoke-cured sprat (152 kcal, 5,6 g of fats, 25,4 proteins);
  • Spring and summer sprat (93 kcal, 3 g of fats, 17,5 g of proteins);
  • Autumn and winter sprat (143 kcal, 8,3 g of fats, 17 g of proteins).

Total absence in a sprat of carbohydrates is observed.

Салака жареная

How to prepare a sprat

As well as any other fish, a sprat it is more preferable to steam, a grill or to bake in an oven, no more than 20-30 minutes – it will allow to keep the greatest number of useful substances in a product. In a salty, smoked and dried look the advantage of a sprat still remains, however, nutritional value of these products considerably decreases.


Due to the frequent use of a sprat in a salty look, the people having diseases of kidneys, raised by the arterial pressure, and also puffiness of extremities are not recommended to abuse this fish.

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