Main > Food stuffs> Sazan


Sazan – fish who is carried to family cyprinid group of karpoobrazny. She lives in fresh basins of the Black, Azov, Aral and Caspian seas, and also in the lake Kapchagay and Amur River. Food of a sazan changes seasonally. So, in the spring and at the beginning of summer fish prefers draws of a reed-mace, a cane, a rdest, a jug and other species of water plants, can also regale on caviar of frogs and fishes. In the summer the basis of a diet of a sazan is made by worms, insects, jugs, snails, small bloodsuckers and crayfish.

Сазан свежий

Carp – the related form of a sazan removed by means of selection.

This fish has the body of the extended form covered with large scales of golden-yellow color with a bluish outflow. On an abdomen of a sazan color changes on lighter, and a back of more dark shade. Each scale is bordered with a black strip, and the basis is covered with dark stains. Feature of a sazan is existence of a dark gray back fin with the characteristic, strongly jagged beam.

In spite of the fact that the sazan is capable to live to 35 years, growth of fish stops at the age of 7 years. Its average weight is equal to about 2-3 kg. Individuals whose length over one meter, and weight reaches 25 kg meet, however.

Sazan: caloric content, structure and useful properties

Low calorie content in fillet of a sazan – only about 97 Kcal on 100 g of a product – an occasion to carry fish to the products suitable for dietary food. Besides, meat of a sazan is characterized by high comprehensibility. It easily is digested due to small amount of connecting fabric that also does fish attractive to those whose way of life it is impossible to call active. At the same time fish contains a large amount of protein which is useful also at active loadings, and during active growth of an organism.

Meat of a sazan richly various vitamins and minerals. So, in fish the content of A, PP, C, E vitamins, and also group B vitamins, in particular, of thiamin – B1 and Riboflavinum – B2 is high. The complex macro - and the microelements which are contained in fish consists of phosphorus, iron, calcium, chrome, magnesium, fluorine, chlorine, potassium, sodium, nickel and molybdenum. Also as a part of a sazan the balanced content of unsaturated fatty acids.

Caviar of a sazan

Dense and small, with characteristic reddish color, caviar of a sazan belongs to the category "white caviar". Thanks to the low cost it is forged more often than other products of this category.

The real caviar of a sazan – a true delicacy which is used together with small cut onions as paste, add to creamy and smetanny sauces to fish.

The sazan from April to June, about vegetation, around coastal waters spawns. Mature age for spawning of fish the age from 3 to 5 years is considered.

On a table of the consumer caviar of a sazan gets after long processing which includes salting and pasteurization. The storage period without loss useful and tastes is high at production with observance of necessary rules.

High content of lecithin, polyunsaturated fatty acids and a number of vitamins along with dietary properties does caviar of a sazan not only tasty, but also extremely useful delicacy.

Preparation of a sazan

Gentle, slightly sweetish smack is inherent to meat of a sazan. It is difficult to change saturated and bright taste of fish even by means of spices and other ingredients why the sazan always remains a dominant in a dish.

Juiciness, appetency and saturated taste of fish cannot almost be spoiled, regardless of the choice of a way of preparation of a sazan. Fish can bake, fry, dry, stuff, to be salted and even to cook first courses. The sazan in the period of a post is especially popular.

Сазан жареный

Whatever way of preparation of a sazan was chosen, it is important to clear correctly fish. Using only fresh carcasses, it is necessary to exempt a sazan from scales then through a cut on spin it is necessary to remove interiors, avoiding injury of a gall bladder.

Sazan: contraindications

The huge number of useful properties and features of a sazan does fish by a desired dish on any table, however her overconsumption is undesirable. Because fish in food is extremely not choosy (the sazan can eat mollusks, worms, maggots), and also thanks to the fact that the contaminated reservoirs become the place of its dwelling quite often, the organism of a sazan in a significant amount accumulates harmful substances.

Also the sazan is not recommended for the use to persons with individual intolerance.

Whether you know that:

When lovers kiss, each of them loses 6,4 calories a minute, but at the same time they exchange nearly 300 species of various bacteria.