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Celery juice

Сок сельдерея - популярный диетический напитокThe celery is one of the most popular plants among the people aiming at decrease in body weight. It has a mass of useful properties and use it in a fresh, stewed, fried and boiled look. But all of us know that better and most quicker products are acquired in the form of juice. Same concerns also celery juice. Juice gets into a human body more quickly, filling its cells with useful properties and additional energy, gets into a lymph and blood.

On taste freshly squeezed celery juice is quite specific therefore often it is drunk, diluting with other fruit or vegetable juice. Pure juice is used, as a rule, in small amounts – on one teaspoon three times a day for half an hour before meal.

Advantage of juice of a celery

Judging by responses, juice of a celery is very popular product for the people wishing to lose weight. Besides, it has a set of the useful properties inherent in the celery. It is important to note that freshly squeezed juice contains even those useful substances which are, as a rule, destroyed as a result of heat treatment of products.

High content of ascorbic acid does celery juice by fine means against catarrhal and respiratory diseases, increases body resistance to infections and strengthens immunity. Besides, ascorbic acid well brings nicotine out of an organism therefore the undoubted advantage of juice of a celery will be also for smokers.

At a celery there are a provitamin A, group B vitamins, niacin, tocopherol. A number of mineral substances is not less impressive: calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, manganese, zinc, copper, iron. And carbohydrates, valuable amino acids, essential oils, cellulose and flavonoids supplement the list. These substances are extremely necessary for an organism therefore according to reviews juice of a celery is capable to fill shortage of these substances in an organism that promotes significant improvement of a condition of hair and skin, to immunity strengthening.

The regular use of juice of a celery promotes clarification of an organism from slags and toxins, raises hemoglobin, improves composition of blood and blood circulation, reduces level in blood of "bad" cholesterol, does vessels less permeable and more elastic.

Besides, according to reviews juice of a celery is the strong aphrodisiac increasing a sexual inclination at women and raising a potentiality at men. Recommend to take this valuable drink and from prostatitis.

Positively celery juice influences a nervous system, promotes relaxation, minimizes stress effects, calms, gives energy, increases physical endurance and intellectual working capacity.

There will be no harm from juice of a celery and for a digestive tract as it promotes development of a gastric juice, renders easy laxative, diuretic and carminative action. Also the fact that drink does not load an organism with calories at all is remarkable, and even on the contrary, from a celery the organism spends additional energy from the stocks therefore according to reviews juice of a celery is very effective for weight loss for digestion of useful substances.Калорийность сока сельдерея - 8 ккал на 100 г

Essential oil of a celery possesses antimicrobic action therefore the advantage of juice of a celery consists not only in its use, but also just in inhalation of its aroma.

It is also worth noting one more valuable property of this juice – regulation of a water salt metabolism. High content of salts of calcium, sodium, potassium allows to adjust many processes in an organism. Shortage of sodium, for example, negatively affects mobility of joints. Besides, organic sodium is useful to blood and prevents formation of blood clots, interfering with development of a stroke, thrombophlebitis, heart attack.

Juice of a celery and in the cosmetic purposes will not do harm. Masks on the basis of juice perfectly soften and rejuvenate skin, save from inflammations, rash and eels, improve complexion. It is useful to rub juice of a celery and in head skin. It improves growth of hair and prevents their excessive loss, does hair dense, magnificent and beautiful.

Some even use celery juice against smoking, drinking daily the cocktail consisting of 30 ml of carrot juice, 20 g of mint syrup, 50 ml of celery juice and 10 ml of lemon juice.

Contraindications to celery juice

Not only advantage, but in certain cases and juice of a celery can do harm. So, for example, juice of a celery is contraindicated at acute forms of diseases of digestive tract, stomach ulcer and a 12-perstny gut.

Contraindication to juice of a celery is also old age and the third trimester of pregnancy as it brings a uterus into a tone.

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