Main > Medical terms> Amyotrophy is hereditary spinal

Amyotrophy is hereditary spinal

Amyotrophy hereditary spinal (amyotrophia hereditaria spinalis; synonyms: Verdniga-Goffmanna disease, amyotrophy family spinal children's age, Verdniga-Goffmann progressive muscular atrophy; Austrian neurologist of G. Werdnig, 1844–1919; the German neurologist of J. Hoffmann, 1857–1919) – the hereditary amyotrophy (disturbances of a trophicity of muscles, which are followed by thinning of muscle fibers and decrease in their sokratitelny ability) which is shown on the first year of life, and at slow development – aged up to 4 years. The disease is characterized by amyotrophy of a trunk and extremities and a flaccid paralysis because of degenerative changes of motive cells of front horns of a spinal cord. The disease on autosomal recessively type is inherited.

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