
Rage (rabies) – the acute infectious disease entering into group of zoonoz, caused by viruses from family of rhabdoviruses, as a rule, transmitted to the person through an oslyuneniye or a sting by sick animals. It is characterized by the damage of the central nervous system which is shown in the form of spasms of deglutitory and respiratory muscles, motive excitement, development of paralyzes in a disease end-stage.

Rage paralytic (r. paralytica; synonym: "silent") – the form which is found in South America and transmitted through a sting of bats differs in lack of the expressed excitement signs, and development of paralyzes, as a rule, as ascending Landry's paralysis.

Whether you know that:

When lovers kiss, each of them loses 6,4 calories a minute, but at the same time they exchange nearly 300 species of various bacteria.