Main > Medical terms> Bromoderma


Bromoderma (bromoderma; bromine, from Greek bromos – a stench + Greek derma – skin) – the toxidermia appearing at long administration of drugs of bromine or at their intolerance.

Types of a bromoderma:

  • Acneform and pustular (acneiforme pustulosum; synonym: eels bromic) – the bromoderma which is shown in the form of pustules, similar to ordinary eels;
  • Knotty (nodosum; synonym: a bromoderma tuberous) – the bromoderma having an appearance of violet-red soft inflammatory nodes;
  • Knotty ulcer and vegetans (tuberosum ulcero-vegetans) – a bromoderma knotty at which the ulceration of nodes with further formation of vegetations on a surface of ulcers is observed.
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