Main > Medical terms> Bronchostenosis


Bronchostenosis (bronchostenosis; broncho-(bronkho-); Greek bronchos – a windpipe; the prefix designating communication with bronchial tubes + Greek stenos – narrow, close) – the happening narrowing of a gleam of a bronchial tube because of hit in it a foreign body or pathological changes of its wall.


  • ventilo valve (Latin – to air a bronchostenosis; synonym: bronchostenosis valve): passability of a bronchial tube is completely broken in an expiratory phase and preserved in an inspiratory phase;
  • The bronchostenosis is full: full switching off of a bronchial tube from breath process is observed;
  • The bronchostenosis is through partial: partial preservation of passability of a bronchial tube in an expiratory phase and in an inspiratory phase is noted.
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Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.