Main > Medical terms> Hebephrenia


Hebephrenia (hebephrenia, Greek hebe – youth, youthful age + phren – reason, mind) – one of schizophrenia forms which is appearing at youthful age, differing in chaotically replaced or coexisting polymorphic affective, hallucinatory, crazy and catatonic frustration with bystry development of deep weak-mindedness.

Types of a hebephrenia:

  • Apathetic Kleysta (synonym: Kleysta an apathetic hebephrenia) – with the expressed emotional dullness;
  • Depressive (depressiva) – with domination of the suppressed mood;
  • Maniacal (maniacalis) – with domination of the increased mood.
Whether you know that:

In operating time our brain spends the amount of energy equal to the 10 Watts bulb. So the image of a bulb over the head at the time of emergence of an interesting thought is not so far from the truth.