Main > Medical terms> Gemodermiya


Gemodermiya (haemodermia; Greek haima – blood + Greek derma – skin; synonyms: a hematodermatosis, гематодерматоз) – the name combining the damages of skin caused by malignant proliferation of cells of reticular fabric and the hemopoietic bodies.

Types of a gemodermiya:

  • nonspecific (nonspecifica; synonym: the leukemid) – caused by course of the toksiko-allergic reactions accompanying the main pathological process, expressed in the form of papular, erythematic and squamous, erythematic, is more rare than violent or vesicular rashes;
  • specific (specifica) – shown in the form of an erythrosis or monomorphic rash (papules, nodes), caused autokhtonno (irrespective of external factors) the formed centers of an extramedullary hemopoiesis in skin.
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