Main > Medical terms> Gentington chorea

Gentington chorea

Gentington chorea (G. S. Huntington, American doctor, 1851-1916; Greek choreia – dancing, a round dance; synonyms: the chorea the chorea progressing chronic, Huntington, a chorea hereditary, a chorea degenerative) – a hereditary disease of a nervous system at which, preferential, is noted an atrophy of a cerebral cortex and defeat of small cells of a striate body; it is shown atetoidny and choreic by hyperkinesias in a combination with the accruing dementia; it is transferred on a dominant mode of inheritance.

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The most rare disease – a disease the Kura. Only representatives of the tribe Faure in New Guinea are ill it. The patient dies of laughter. It is considered that eating of a human brain is an origin of a disease.