Main > Drugs> Terzhinan


The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 353 rub.

Terzhinan – the combined local medicine applied in gynecology.

Pharmacological action

Active components of Terzhinan render antibacterial, antiprotozoan, Тержинан в упаковкеantiinflammatory and antifungal action thanks to the components which are its part:

  • Ternidazol showing activity concerning many anaerobic bacteria (in particular – Gardnerella spp.), has the expressed trikhomonatsidny effect;
  • Nystatin – a highly active antifungal antibiotic (in relation to sort Candida mushrooms);
  • Neomycinum sulfate concerns to group of antibiotics of a broad spectrum of activity (group of aminoglycosides);
  • Prednisolonum has antiinflammatory effect.

This list of Terzhinan according to the instruction provides integrity of a mucous membrane of a vagina and a stable indicator of pH.

Form of release of Terzhinan

Terzhinan release in the form of the vaginal tablets containing several active components:

  • 200 mg of a ternidazol;
  • 100 thousand ME of nystatin;
  • 3 mg of Prednisolonum;
  • 100 mg of Neomycinum of sulfate.

Treat the excipients which are a part of vaginal tablets: magnesium stearate, lactoses monohydrate, starch wheat, silicon dioxide colloid and carboxymethylstarch of sodium. On 6 or 10 pieces in strips.

Terzhinan's analogs

Terzhinan's analogs on active agent are not released. The closest analog of Terzhinan on the mechanism of action is Gitern's drug.

Indications to Terzhinan's use

According to the instruction Terzhinan appoint for treatment of vaginit which are caused by microorganisms, sensitive to effect of drug, at:

  • Bacterial vaginita;
  • Bacterial vaginosis;
  • Vaginitakh, caused by sort Candida mushrooms;
  • Vagina trichomoniasis;
  • The mixed vaginita.

Besides, Terzhinan is according to reviews effective for prevention of vaginit in the following cases:

  • Before abortion or childbirth;
  • Before carrying out various gynecologic operations;
  • Before and after diathermocoagulation of a neck of uterus, and also installation of Naval Forces;
  • Before carrying out a gisterografiya.


Terzhinan it is contraindicated to apply at hypersensitivity to components of vaginal tablets.

Terzhinan route of administration

According to indications Terzhinan appoint in number of one vaginal tablet a day, as a rule, before going to bed. The tablet before introduction to a vagina needs to be taken in water for 20-30 sec.Таблетки Тержинан

The average duration of use of drug makes ten days, but the course of therapy by Terzhinan according to indications can be prolonged up to 20 days.

It is not necessary to stop treatment by means during periods.

The overdose by drug is improbable as Terzhinan according to the instruction does not possess high extent of absorption in a blood stream.

According to indications Terzhinan it is possible to use at pregnancy and a lactation.

Side effects

Terzhinan according to reviews in rare instances can cause local reactions in the form of burning sensation and local irritation that is most often shown at the beginning of therapy.

Emergence of allergic reactions at Terzhinan's use it is according to reviews observed extremely seldom.

Storage conditions

Terzhinan and analog of drug are released on doctor's orders. A period of storage of vaginal tablets – three years.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Terzhinan of a tablet vaginal 6 pieces

353 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Terzhinan тбл levers. No. 6, Bouchara E. Lab.

410 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Terzhinan of a tablet vaginal 10 pieces

424 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Terzhinan тбл levers. No. 10, Bouchara E. Lab.

462 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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