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Sodium tetraborate

Тетрабонат натрияSodium tetraborate – means against the milkwoman, known also as borax in glycerin.

Pharmacological action

Sodium tetraborate is means with antiseptic and bacteriostatic action, derivative boric acid.

Means deletes a fungus from mucous, slows down its reproduction therefore use of sodium tetraborate at the milkwoman is effective.

As antimicrobic means sodium tetraborate is included in structure of the combined means for removal of inflammations of upper respiratory tracts.

Substance brings benefit only when drawing on damaged mucous and integuments. Through them it is soaked up in a GIT, and active ingredient by means of intestines and kidneys for a week after use is removed.

Release form

Produce sodium tetraborate in glycerin – solution of 20% for topical administration. Synonym: Borax.

Indications to Sodium tetraborate use

Sodium pyroborate according to the instruction is applied at damages of a mucous mouth, throat, generative organs, the upper respiratory and urinary tract caused by candidiasis.

Solution for disinfecting of decubituses and an intertrigo is also effective sodium tetraborat20%.

Route of administration

Тетраборат натрия при молочнице применяют в виде спринцеваний половых органовSodium tetraborate is applied in the form of syringings of generative organs, by processings of skin, rinsings of a throat and an oral cavity.

At the candidiasis which affected mucous a mouth, solution of sodium of pyroborate is applied to processing of affected areas 2-3r/put on an extent 3-7dn.

Sodium tetraborate at the milkwoman of female generative organs is applied only after syringing by boiled water or grass antiinflammatory broth. After that enter the tampon from a gauze moistened with drug into a vagina and leave on 20-30min. Frequency rate of procedures depends on the course of a disease: if the itch and allocations from a vagina are insignificant, sodium tetraborat20% apply one р / day and if symptoms of candidiasis are brightly expressed, and it is in a chronic stage, it is necessary to carry out procedures two р / day. To avoid a recurrence, it is desirable to carry out treatment for a week even if symptoms of the milkwoman disappeared.

At tonsillitis sodium tetraborate in glycerin is used for processing of almonds 4-6r/put. Treatment lasts not less than 7 days. For strengthening of therapeutic effect it is necessary to rinse a throat saline solution of sodium tetraborate: in a glass of water part a salt teaspoon with several drops of solution.

Side effects

In the place of processing burning can be felt brown and be observed erubescence or mucous. In this case means needs to be washed away.

Also the drug overdose which symptoms are abdominal pains, deterioration in appetite, vomiting, dehydration, confusion of consciousness, diarrhea, weakness, dermatitis, disturbances of a menstrual cycle, baldness, twitchings of muscles of hands and legs, persons, a renal failure, a liver, heart is possible. The specified effects eliminate with a gastric lavage, carrying out an artificial diuresis. If a serious poisoning, carry out a hemodialysis, enter intramusculary Riboflavinum-mononukletoid (10mg/days), pour intravenously in solution of Natrii hydrocarbonas, chloride sodium, the solutions replacing plasma, a dextrose. If there were abdominal pains hypodermic introduction on 1 ml of solution of atropine, solution of Platyphyllinum, Promedolum, intravenous administration of mix dekstrozo-prokainovy is shown.

Pyroborate of 20% is considered a deadly dosage 10-20gr sodium.


Sodium tetraborate according to the instruction is contraindicated at considerable injuries of skin and mucous, during a lactation, pregnancy, hypersensitivity. Means is not intended for internal use.

Because of hypertoxity it is not recommended to use means in pediatrics.

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