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Toxic erythema

The toxic erythema represents polymorphic rashes on integuments of newborns in the first weeks of life. Rashes, Клиническая картина токсической эритемыgenerally reflect process of adaptation of the baby to external vital conditions and the environment, after his stay in mother's womb. This borderline case passes within several days and arises at 20% of newborn children.

Reasons and symptoms of a toxic erythema

The toxic erythema of newborns is allergic reaction to components of breast milk and is subdivided into two stages – chemical and physiological. At the first stage there is a release of active agents which are mediators of allergic reaction. At the second stage of an erythema immunological changes which can be connected with problems of functioning of intestines, overcooling, bacterial damages are shown.

The clinical picture of a toxic erythema is characterized by emergence for the second or third day of life of allergic rashes on a face of the baby which are shown in the form of dense spots of gray-red color with small bubbles. Spots appear, generally on a face, the head, around joints, on buttocks and a breast. Allergic reaction can carry both local, and general character.

In certain cases within 3-4 days repeated rashes are observed, but more often allergic reaction takes place completely and is not shown again.

The toxic erythema of newborns causes concern, temperature increase, small consolidation of lymph nodes, dyspepsia and increase in the sizes of a spleen. In most cases, except external rashes, this allergic reaction affects physical and psychological state of the baby.

The disease is most often shown at babies who receive natural breastfeeding and only at 10% of babies who receive artificial feeding.

Diagnosis of a toxic erythema of newborns

The toxic erythema is established by a clinical method and microscopic analyses.

For definition of the exact diagnosis in nonspecific or disputable cases appoint blood test and a research of a corneous layer of epidermis. The research shows existence or absence in channels of sebaceous glands of papules of an erythema with hypostases and accumulation of infiltrate of leukocytes.

In certain cases appoint a research of structure of breast milk and identification in it individual allergens for the newborn.

Treatment of a toxic erythema

In overwhelming Токсическая эритема в первые недели жизниnumber of cases the toxic erythema does not demand special treatment and passes within several days after the birth. In other cases appoint drug and physiotherapeutic treatment.

The main treatment of a toxic erythema is begun with air bathtubs and special care of pustules on skin. The child should be protected from an adverse effect on skin, and also to exclude availability of allergens in mother's diet.

At long manifestation of allergic reaction appoint reception of antihistaminic drugs and biological means with the content of vitamins E, B6 and C, Rutinum and a laktobakterin.

If severe rashes around an umbilical cord are observed, then the doctor appoints 2 times a day to grease pustular elements with spirit solution, brilliant green and solution of 5% of potassium, and also to powder integuments with talc with a zinc oxide.

For normalization of the general condition of the baby at a toxic erythema recommend plentiful drink, fresh air, the use of solution of glucose and drugs with the content of potassium.

Whether you know that:

The most high temperature of a body was recorded at Uilli Jones (USA) who came to hospital with a temperature of 46,5 °C.