Main > Diagnostic methods> Tomography of lungs

Tomography of lungs

Компьютерная томография легкихTomography of lungs - one of ways of diagnosis of diseases of lungs. Carry out it by means of the ring-shaped X-ray doing pictures of lungs under different corners. Big distribution was gained by a computer tomography which gives the chance to digitize the received pictures, to provide numerous cuts of lungs for the analysis.

It is possible to make a tomography of lungs in two modes: to estimate a condition of lungs and bodies of a mediastinum: tracheas, hearts, upper vena cava, lymph nodes, pulmonary aorta and artery.

In some cases, when there are difficulties with diagnosis, to the patient enter contrast better to consider lungs.

By means of a tomography it is possible to reveal a chronic embolism, tuberculosis, diffusion diseases, lung cancer (localization of tumors, a condition of lymph nodes, existence and prevalence a metastasis), the pneumonia, occupational diseases caused by inhalation of silicon particles, asbestos, quartz, etc.

Indications to purpose of a tomography

To make a tomography of lungs appoint in such states and suspicion to them:

  • change of structure of tissue of lungs;
  • disturbances in work of a thymus,
  • liquid in a pleura;
  • inflammation of lymph chest nodes;
  • diseases of a breast and edges;
  • changes of a pericardium;
  • new growths of the high-quality and malignant nature in lungs and a pleura
  • foreign bodys in lungs;
  • bronchoectatic disease

Preparation for a tomography of lungs

At purpose of such inspection patients need to warn the doctor about pregnancy, feeding by a breast, heart diseases, asthma, problems with a thyroid gland, about existence of a myeloma in the anamnesis, claustrophobia.

Расшифровка снимка томографии легкихThe tomography of lungs – the procedure painless and short, but to the patient at the increased emotional excitability and concern caused by the outlined inspection is allowed to accept soothing.

In certain cases practice anesthesia before a tomography to provide the patient's immovability: children and "heavy" patients.

Just before the procedure the patient has to undress to a belt, take off from himself the jewelry and objects containing metal, to lay down on a table. It is impossible to move to inspection time. Existence of pacemakers is not a contraindication to carrying out a tomography.

The patient is in a radiological office one, and the technologist who watches the equipment is in the next office. Communication between them happens by means of an intercom.

Results of a tomography are ready right after the end of inspection and the radiologist can read the main diagnosis to the patient. The detailed conclusion in writing can be taken away only in 1-2 days.

It is possible to carry out a tomography easy for children?

Considering that the tomography assumes radiation of the patient, at purpose of a tomography easy for children, not all parents consider it expedient and are afraid of serious effects of influence of radiological beams.

Appointing a tomography easy for children, the doctor recognizes those reasons that the dose of radiation is small, the procedure lasts only 1-7 minutes, and cannot constitute danger, and the advantage of timely diagnosis many times over exceeds presumable harm from radiation. Therefore it is even authorized to newborn children to appoint such inspection.

The magnetic and resonant tomography - the research based on ability of radiation by hydrogen of electromagnetic waves can become an alternative of a tomography of lungs and to radiation. The possibility of use of this method depends on specifics of a disease and it should be discussed with the attending physician.

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