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Relative deafness


Short characteristic of a disease

Relative deafness is a disease which is characterized by a hearing impairment owing to what perception of informal conversation becomes difficult. Often relative deafness is shown at children's age. From inborn relative deafness one newborn for 1000 suffers. Generally, from 2 to 3% of the population of the earth have this problem.

Relative deafness reasons

Inflammatory diseases of a middle ear are the main reason for relative deafness at children (generally acute and chronic otitis). The hearing impairment arises owing to hems, perforations and unions in a tympanic membrane. Infectious diseases, such as flu, measles, can lead to pathological changes in an inner ear and in an acoustical nerve that involves sharp decrease in hearing. Sometimes relative deafness happens inborn. Such decrease in hearing can negatively influence speech development of the child.

At adults relative deafness arises owing to an otosclerosis, after use of some drugs, because of noise and vibration on production, at poisonings with industrial or household poisons. Also decrease in hearing can develop against the background of atherosclerosis as at this disease blood supply of an inner ear is broken. There is such concept as senile relative deafness when the hearing impairment is caused by age changes in an inner ear and acoustical nerves.

Relative deafness degrees

Distinguish three degrees of relative deafness.

At easy relative deafness (the first degree) the patient distinguishes a conversation in a whisper at distance from 1 to 3 meters, and informal conversation at distance more than 4 meters. The patient cannot adequately perceive a conversation at extraneous noises or distortion of the speech.

Relative deafness 2 degrees (average relative deafness) takes place if the patient perceives the shepotny speech at distance less, than one meter, and informal conversation hears at distance from 2 to 4 meters. Relative deafness 2 degrees is characterized by illegibility in perception of all words in a normal situation, numerous repetitions of some phrases or separate words are required.

Heavy relative deafness (the 3rd degree) is shown in impossibility to distinguish whisper even in very short distance, informal conversation the patient hears less than 2 meters at distance. This degree of relative deafness assumes existence of certain difficulties in communication. The patient should resort to the help of the hearing aid to have an opportunity normally to communicate with others.

Types of relative deafness

Distinguish neurosensory relative deafness and conductive relative deafness.

Conductive relative deafness develops owing to average otitis, adenoides, an otosclerosis, pathological change and dysfunction of an Eustachian tube. This type of decrease in hearing is characterized by changes in a tympanic membrane and acoustical stones.

Neurosensory relative deafness - develops owing to damage of nervous cells to an inner ear, an acoustical nerve and the center of acoustical system. Infectious diseases, a stress, injuries of an inner ear, vascular frustration (atherosclerosis, a hypertension), negative action of some drugs and chemicals can be the reasons of neurosensory relative deafness. The main symptoms of neurosensory relative deafness is the hearing impairment in combination with a sonitus, a headache. Vomiting or nausea can sometimes be observed.

Тональная аудиометрия - точный способ определения степени тугоухости

Relative deafness diagnosis

For diagnosis use a speech audiometriya which consists in recognition by the patient of shepotny and informal conversation. On the basis of this method of a research it is possible to establish relative deafness degree.

It is possible to define existence and degree of relative deafness by a tone audiometriya more precisely – check of hearing on tones of speech range. Diagnosis of relative deafness by means of tuning forks is also possible. Especially their use is justified in need of diagnosis at home though this method is used also in policlinics.

Relative deafness at children

Major factors which can provoke emergence of relative deafness in children are infectious or viral diseases of mother during pregnancy when there is a formation of acoustic organs. Also to development of a disease can give infectious diseases of the child in early age. Plays a role and a hereditary factor.

About 50% of children at whom parents have this disease have inborn relative deafness. Causes of illness children can have birth trauma, prematurity, asphyxia of the newborn, severe toxicosis during pregnancy, intoxication alcohol or other harmful substances during pregnancy.

Diagnosis of a disease at early age is difficult as the child cannot tell about the acoustical feelings. Therefore for check of hearing at children use the special device. It makes sounds of a certain frequency, at the same time reaction of the child is fixed. And parents can, watching the child, to estimate his acoustical abilities. For this purpose it is necessary to know the main norms of development of children. At monthly age the baby shudders or fades at loud sounds, in four months turns the head aside from where the sound is heard, there are festivities which turn into babble, aged from 8 up to 10 months begin to say new sounds. If on any of stages of development of the child of his action do not meet standard, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor for hearing check.

Relative deafness treatment

Препараты, улучшающие кровообращение внутреннего уха - основа консервативного лечения тугоухости

Treatment of relative deafness depends on a type of a disease.

At conductive relative deafness the only method of treatment is an operative measure. At contraindications to carrying out operation hearing aid is possible.

Neurosensory relative deafness will respond to conservative treatment. Use medical supplies which improve blood supply in an inner ear (piracetam, Cerebrolysinum, etc.). Treatment of relative deafness assumes administration of drugs, saving from dizziness (бетагистин). Also use physical therapy and reflexotherapy. At chronic neurosensory relative deafness use hearing aid.

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