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Skin itch

Understand the specific unpleasant feeling causing the need for combing of an affected area as an itch of skin. It not an independent disease, but only a symptom most of which often demonstrates damage of skin, a nervous system or internals.Зуд кожи - специфическое неприятное ощущение, вызывающее потребность в расчесывании пораженного участка

Kinds of an itch of skin

On prevalence distinguish:

  • Local itch (for example, a head skin itch, an itch on flexion side of wrists or an itch of skin of hands);
  • Generalized itch.

Skin itch – it is difficult to estimate subjective feeling, its intensity, but it can be expressed or insignificant, on time – constant or periodic.

Skin itch reasons

The origins of a skin itch are not so simple as it can seem at first sight. In its basis a chain from consecutive nervous and humoral reactions in skin, and the set of the most different factors can start this chain.

It is known that pain and an itch are perceived by the same receptors in skin. In a skin itch origin the huge role is played by biologically active agents emitted by leukocytes and other cells of immune system. The histamine, leukotrienes, bradikinin, serotonin, etc. concern to them. In a different way these substances are called still inflammation mediators.

Local reasons of an itch of skin:

  • Excessive dryness of integuments;
  • Allergic reaction or effect of the irritating substances;
  • Infectious and parasitic processes in skin;
  • Skin elements as display of some infections (for example, at chicken pox, scarlet fever, etc.).

Reasons of a generalized skin itch:

  • The increased bilirubin level in blood;
  • Mental disturbances;
  • Endocrine disturbances (for example, diabetes mellitus);
  • Diseases of system of blood (anemia, polycythemia);
  • Number of oncological diseases.

Skin itch at some diseases

The itch of skin of hands can be a symptom of itch which is caused by an itch mite. In this case the itch of skin of hands is defined between fingers, on wrists (the flexion party), often passing to skin of a stomach and a scrotum at men. The tick chooses for reproduction of the place with the most gentle and thin skin. In the evening and at night the itch at a mange amplifies. The itch of head skin and person is not characteristic of itch.

At a diabetes mellitus there is a body skin itch in an anus and generative organs. The reason for that – activation of a candidosis fungus which eats glucose. At children the skin itch about an anus happens at an enterobiosis.

The itch of head skin is possible at seborrhea (when skin very fat) or a pediculosis. Also oily hair which is quickly soiled dandruff and crusts are characteristic of seborrhea. If on the head of the person there live louses, then it is possible to see them the whitish nits pasted to hair, insects who rather quickly move and also having combed traces on skin.

The skin itch in shins happens because of stagnation of blood in vascular network standing.

At psoriasis skin itches on the limited sites covered with psoriasis plaques of red color with easily dischargeable whitish plaque.

At diseases of a liver and stagnation of bile in a liver in the depth of skin bile acids which irritate receptors of nerve terminations begin to be laid, causing a body skin itch. Usually in these cases the level of bilirubin and liver enzymes is also increased, and skin is painted in various shades of yellowish color.

The last stages of a renal failure often are also followed by a body skin itch because of adjournment in skin of excess of urea and urochromes.

Skin itch at separate states

При аллергическом происхождении зуда кожи хороший эффект дают антигистаминные средстваDuring pregnancy in the third trimester because of toxicosis the body skin itch quite often can disturb the woman. It is considered that the reason of it is stagnation of bile in a liver.

The senile itch is caused by the fact that with age functions of sebaceous glands decrease. Because of it elderly people suffer from an excessive xeroderma and an itch.

During chemotherapy and radiation therapy oncological patients suffer from a skin itch because of side effects of drugs and radiation too.

Treatment of an itch of skin

Before implementing recommendations about treatment of an itch of skin, it is necessary to exclude factors which cause its excessive dryness. Treat them: washing of hands too hot water and soap, wearing synthetic clothes, emotional experiences, use of some drugs (antibiotics, number of narcotic drugs). Only in case of an exception of all these influences treatment of an itch of skin will be effective. At infectious and parasitic damages of skin it is necessary to influence the reason causing a skin itch directly. These are local antiseptic agents and antibiotics, means from louses and helminths.

At an allergic origin of an itch of skin good effect antihistamines, as for the use inside, and outside forms in the form of lotion give, ointments, gel. The doctor can appoint glucocorticoids for local drawing to a short period. Often include soothing and sedative drugs in a complex of treatment of an itch of skin. At stagnation of bile the means connecting bile acids (drugs of urodezoksikholevy acid) are applied.

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