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Funicular myelosis


The chronic dystrophic defeat of side and back cords (funikul) of a spinal cord developing usually at patients with akhilichesky gastritis and pernicious anemia.

Symptoms of the Funicular myelosis:

Clinically the disease is shown by paresthesias in feet, then disturbances of deep sensitivity, a sensitive ataxy and weakness in legs join. Typiforms are characterized by a combination of a sensitive ataxy and a paraplegia (an atactic paraplegia). Paresis of legs can carry spastic, or sluggish character. Tendon jerks happen raised in the beginning, but in process of a course of a disease decrease and disappear. Constantly-foot pathological reflexes — Babinsky's symptom, etc. are found. The combination of pyramidal symptoms to sluggish paresis of legs is characteristic of a funicular myelosis. Sensitive and motive frustration are accompanied by dysfunctions of pelvic bodies (a delay or an incontience of urine and a calla). Pains are not characteristic.

Reasons of the Funicular myelosis:

The deficit in a B12 vitamin organism causing both development of pernicious anemia, and damage of a spinal cord is the main reason. The B12 vitamin arriving with food is not soaked up in digestive tract due to the lack of an internal factor of Kasl which is normal developed by glands of a mucous membrane of a stomach. At akhilichesky gastritis or after a gastrectomy normal utilization of B12 vitamin is broken and there is its chronic deficit.

Treatment of the Funicular myelosis:

Treatment is carried out by B12 vitamin according to a certain scheme. The treatment begun in several weeks after emergence of spinal symptoms leads usually to recovery. At overdue treatment only improvement or stabilization of process is noted. The main regress of symptoms is observed in the first 3 — 6 months of treatment.