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Lateral medullary syndrome (Wallenberg's Syndrome)


The lateral medullary syndrome (Wallenberg's Syndrome) is an option of an alternating syndrome which is connected with defeat of a kernel of a hypoglossal nerve and fibers of a pyramidal way.

Область поражения головного мозга при латеральном медуллярном синдроме

Area of damage of a brain at a lateral medullary syndrome

Symptoms of the Lateral medullary syndrome (Wallenberg's Syndrome):

On the party of defeat - a flaccid paralysis of a soft palate and a voice fold, disturbance of superficial sensitivity on a face on segmented type, Bernard's syndrome - Horner, an ataxy; kontralateralno - disturbance of superficial sensitivity on a gemitipa, sometimes the central hemiparesis.

Reasons of the Lateral medullary syndrome (Wallenberg's Syndrome):

It is caused by defeat of a motive kernel of the wandering and glossopalatine nerves, a spinal kernel of a trifacial, the sympathetic fibers going to the ciliospinal center, the lower leg of a cerebellum, a spinotalamichesky path, sometimes a pyramidal way.

Treatment of the Lateral medullary syndrome (Wallenberg's Syndrome):

Treatment of a basic disease and symptoms of damage of a brain: disturbances of breath, swallowing, action of the heart. During recovery apply прозерин, vitamins, LFK, massage and other activating methods.

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