DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Neurology Post-accident syndrome

Post-accident syndrome


Post-accident syndrome - a state which can develop after the easiest ChMT – concussion (commotio) of a brain. At a post-accident syndrome recovery after an injury happens not within one week, and months and sometimes even years.

Symptoms of the Post-accident syndrome:

The syndrome includes a number of various symptoms of vegetative character, dizziness, headaches, a hyperacusia, high light sensitivity, asthenic complaints. They can be followed by a depression or alarm, hypochondria, difficulties of concentration, the emotional lability reduced by tolerance to alcohol. Formation of a vicious circle as a result of fixing on the main symptoms is possible.

Reasons of the Post-accident syndrome:

This or that degree of manifestation post-accident frustration are observed for 3-4 weeks after each severe craniocereberal injury.
The syndrome arises after a craniocereberal injury (usually with a loss of consciousness).

Механизм развития черепно-мозговой травмы

Mechanism of development of a craniocereberal injury

Treatment of the Post-accident syndrome:

It is necessary to recommend the sparing mode, use of nootrop (nootropil, Phenibutum, glyutaminovy acid, Encephabolum, Aminalonum), small doses of tranquilizers (бушпар, Seduxenum, Relanium).

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Post-accident syndrome:

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