Paranoid frustration of the personality
Paranoid psychopathy (paranoid frustration of the personality) — the frustration of the personality which is characterized by excessive sensitivity to frustration, suspiciousness, rancor, constant discontent with people around and a tendency to carry everything into the account. It is included in MKB-10 and DSM-IV.
Symptoms of Paranoid frustration of the personality:
According to MKB-10 this mental disorder is diagnosed with the general diagnostic criteria of frustration of the personality, and plus to them three and more of the following signs:
a) Excessive sensitivity to failures and refusals
b) A tendency to constantly be dissatisfied with someone, that is to refuse to forgive insults, causing damage and the haughty relation
c) Suspiciousness and the general tendency to misrepresentation by incorrect interpretation of neutral or friendly actions of other people as hostile or contemptuous
d) The relation to the questions aggressive and scrupulous, not adequate to the actual situation connected with the rights of the personality
e) The resumed unjustified suspicions of sexual incorrectness of the spouse or the sexual partner
e) A tendency to experience of the increased importance which is shown in constant reference of the events into the account
g) The Okhvachennost the insignificant "kept dark" interpretation of the events happening to this personality or in the world in general
fanatical frustration
fanatical personality
expansive and paranoid frustration
expansive and paranoid personality
sensitive and paranoid frustration
sensitive and paranoid personality
paranoid personality
paranoid frustration of the personality
paranoic personality
sensitive and paranoid personality
kverulyantny frustration of the personality.
Reasons of Paranoid frustration of the personality:
In psychoanalysis paranoid frustration of the personality is understood as a condition of the person with the paranoid type of the personality which is at the boundary level of development of the organization of the personality. Psychoanalysts believe that the person with such type of the personality can be also on neurotic (that corresponds to aktsentuation in domestic psychology) and psychotic level, but personal features, characteristic of this type, will remain at the same time.
It is considered that the support on protective mechanisms of "denial" and "projection" is the cornerstone of the paranoid organization of the personality. Such person has the increased tendency to deny some unacceptable parts of and to project them on people around. That is, for example, suspicions of the paranoid that people around have against him something evil intentions, are result of denial and projections of his own aggressive thoughts. It, however, does not exclude that it can appear the rights in the suspicions — moreover, thanks to the repellent personal qualities, many paranoids literally run into the conflicts and the bad address by "projective identification". There are extremely acute people who nevertheless are paranoid. Together with denial by the paranoid also "reactive formation", for a bigger distance from own affects can be used.
At paranoid persons strong affects of a hostile row (anger, rage, desire to revenge, envy), shame, fault and fear are noticed. And all of them are usually denied and projected on people around and therefore are unavailable to understanding to paranoids without special work.
Treatment of Paranoid frustration of the personality:
Psychoanalytic therapy of paranoid persons is quite labor-consuming occupation demanding from the therapist of high professional qualities and, first of all, abilities to transfer the negative emotions directed to themselves. The paranoid client is inclined to project on the therapist negative (according to the client) qualities, to suspect the therapist of all mortal sins and to actively look for proofs of the imaginations, including provoking the therapist to the negative relation to itself (so-called "projective identification").
Other tendency which the therapist can face is a temporary idealization. Usually paranoid client, denying those qualities which seem to him negative, perceives himself as the victim of external aggression, and in people around (including in the therapist) sees aggressive carriers of a set of defects. However at initial stages of therapy it can identifitsirovatsye with the therapist and idealize it on an equal basis with itself(himself). It will be more painful to that therapist to face an inevitable wave of a negative when the period of idealization ends.
Successful psychoanalytic therapy means understanding by the client of the fact that qualities and desires which are not pleasant to it in people around are its own qualities and desires. One of fixed assets of achievement of this understanding is the analysis of transfer during which the client can see that his imaginations about the therapist have under themselves no objective reasons. For this purpose the therapist needs not to give actually such grounds — to successfully maintain provocations of the client and well coped with the feelings, especially negative.
The support of paranoid clients on denial strongly affects therapy speed. This protective mechanism works by flat refusal to recognize something (but not by a zabyvaniye, as at replacement). Direct interpretations of transfer will come across a bigger denial. Considerable time and support to observing client's position that it began to accept a possibility that what he sees in people around, can come from him is required.
Despite all these difficulties, Nancy Mac-Williams, in the book, notes that process of therapy is extremely significant for such clients who in spite of the fact that state a huge number of reproaches and claims to the therapists, persistently continue to attend sessions. Mac-Williams suggests that for the person with the paranoid type of the personality seeing the whole world in gloomy, alarming tones, psychotherapy sessions on which someone listens to its negative without answering with the response attacks, are rare and very valuable outlet.