DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Angiology Coronary thrombosis

Coronary thrombosis


Coronary thrombosis therefore is called cordial (from coronary — cordial) that it is localized in cardiac arteries. These arteries supply with oxygen a myocardium — a muscular layer of heart. Except coronary arteries, other sources of blood supply in heart is not present and therefore that concern which is caused in doctors by growth is quite clear these are pathologies.

It also is clear: the instant termination of a blood flow owing to full obturation of a vessel blood clot leads to a myocardial infarction, and slowly progressing narrowing leads to development of stenocardia.

Кровоснабжение сердечной мышцы

Blood supply of a cardiac muscle

Reasons of coronary thrombosis:

The reason here one — atherosclerosis of arteries of heart, that is existence of atherosclerotic plaques directly in cardiac arteries. And here for development of atherosclerosis there is a mass of premises which can be divided into objective — not depending on the person, and subjective — having a direct bearing on a way of life of the patient. Among the first — heredity (including a sex), inborn pathologies of gepatobiliarny system, disturbance of coagulability of blood, inflammatory diseases of blood vessels, tumors, endocrinological problems, an idiopathic hypertensia.

The second group includes a slow-moving way of life, unbalanced food, smoking (not only because of increase in viscosity of blood, but also because of a negative impact on an endothelium of vessels), frequent reception of high doses of alcohol, stresses. Long ago connection between acute development of coronary thrombosis and plentiful libations, smoking of a large number of the cigarettes "on nerves" is established.

Symptoms of coronary thrombosis:

Acute coronary thrombosis enters, along with other acute cordial states, a concept of a coronary syndrome. Bystry development when, apparently, among full health, the person suddenly begins to complain of a sharp heartache or "in the pit of the stomach" is characteristic of it, gasps for air, turns pale. As a rule, the coronary syndrome proceeds longer, than the usual attack of stenocardia, and its clinic a little than differs from a myocardial infarction.

Treatment of coronary thrombosis:

Treatment is appointed depending on type of a coronary syndrome at fibrinferment. At ischemia of a myocardium treatment according to the scheme of therapy of an acute myocardial infarction is conducted, at unstable stenocardia — according to tactics of its maintaining.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Coronary thrombosis:

  • Препарат Варфарин.


    Anticoagulant of indirect action.


  • Препарат Варфарин.


    Anticoagulating means of indirect action.

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