DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Psychiatry Ganzerovsky syndrome

Ganzerovsky syndrome


Ganzer's syndrome is a type of artificial frustration of a mental disease at which the person acts as if he / she had a physical or mental disease while he / she actually is not sick. People with mimic disturbances of a syndrome of Ganzer in behavior are similar on people to schizophrenia. Ganzer's syndrome is called sometimes "prison psychosis" as for the first time it was defined at convicts.

People with artificial frustration behave thus because of the internal need to look sick or injured, but not to receive from it benefit, such as financial aid. They are even ready to undergo painful or risky inspections and manipulations to receive sympathy or special attention which is paid to really sick people. Artificial frustration are considered as mental diseases as they are connected with big emotional problems.

Symptoms of the Ganzerovsky syndrome:

People with Ganzer's syndrome have short-term episodes of the extravagant behavior similar to that which is shown by people with serious mental diseases. The person can seem confused, make absurd statements and tell about hallucinations. A classical symptom of a syndrome of Ganzer is the mimogovoreniye. It when the person gives senseless answers to simple questions. Besides, the person with such state can speak about physical problems, such, for example, as impossibility to move a part of a body that "hysterical paralysis" is called. Often loss of memory (amnesia) concerning the events which arose during an episode meets.

Reasons of the Ganzerovsky syndrome:

The little is known of this unusual frustration, but it is considered that it is reaction to an ultraboundary stress. Other factor which can bring the contribution in development of a syndrome of Ganzer is desire to avoid responsibility or an unpleasant situation. There are also physical problems which can become the reason of a syndrome of Ganzer. They include alcoholism, a craniocereberal injury and blow.

Most of people with this frustration have also frustration of the personality, usually antisocial frustration of the personality or theatrical frustration of the personality. The antisocial psychopathy is characterized by an irresponsible and agressive behavior which often includes neglect people around and inability of respect for norms of society. People with antisocial frustration of the personality sometimes are called "sociopaths" or "psychopaths". For people with theatrical frustration of the personality the self-assessment depends on approval of people around and is not based on fair feeling of the self-importance. They have an insuperable desire to be noticed and they often behave drama or an inappropriate image to capture attention.

Treatment of the Ganzerovsky syndrome:

The first purpose of treatment is achievement of confidence that the person will not do much harm to himself or people around. The patient can need hospitalization if symptoms very heavy and/or the person can be dangerous. In most cases, symptoms of a syndrome of Ganzer disappear after the stress which started an episode is resolved.

The main ways of treatment of a syndrome of Ganzer is the supporting psychotherapy (consultation type), both monitoring on safety and return of symptoms. Usually drugs are not used, except for cases when the patient also has a depression, uneasiness or frustration of the personality.

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