Poisoning with carbon sulfur
Poisoning with hydrogen sulfide is a disturbance of functions of an organism owing to hydrogen sulfide influence. Carbon sulfur - colourless liquid, well evaporates, couples are strong neurotropic poison.
Symptoms of Poisoning with hydrogen sulfide:
* at easy degree of poisoning the feeling of intoxication, a headache, nausea, vomiting is observed;
* average degree of poisoning is followed by a lack of coordination, decrease in an animal force, emergence of apathy, drowsiness, decrease in memory;
* a serious poisoning is shown by a loss of consciousness, a deep coma, acute cardiovascular and respiratory insufficiency.
Reasons of Poisoning with hydrogen sulfide:
Carbon sulfur comes to an organism more often through a respiratory organs. Toxic action is caused by linkng of proteins and amino acids with formation of dithiocarbamates, monoaminooxidase enzyme blocking.
Treatment of Poisoning with hydrogen sulfide:
It is necessary to take out the victim on fresh air, to intravenously enter glucose solution with ascorbic acid, B6 vitamin (5 ml of 5% of solution), glyutaminovy acid (20 ml of 1% of solution), at respiratory depression of the patient transfer to IVL, at acute cardiovascular insufficiency - antishock therapy.