Prevention of an eclampsia
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the rofilaktika of an eclampsia is the main way of fight against this pathology. Very much attention is paid to this work in obstetrical institutions.
Prevention of an eclampsia is based on the following principles:
strict observance of rules of hygiene and dietology during pregnancy;
systematic and careful observation of the pregnant woman in consultation and during patronage visits;
especially careful observation and the correct treatment of pregnant women which have a risk of developing of toxicoses (a hypertension, heart diseases, a glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, diabetes, a thyrotoxicosis, diseases of gepatobiliarny system, anemia, etc.);
early detection and the correct treatment of the previous stages of late toxicosis: hydrops gravidarum, nephropathy, preeclampsia.
At the correct treatment of the specified toxicosis forms usually it is possible to prevent emergence of an eclampsia. Treatment has to be carried out taking into account weight of a clinical picture and adverse effects of an eclampsia for mother and a fruit. The huge number of the methods offered in former years by many authors of the different countries is known.
Some of them kept only historical interest as an indicator of evolution of views concerning an etiology and a pathogeny of an eclampsia, and many in general lost any value.
It is not possible to list all existing ways of treatment of an eclampsia therefore it should be noted only the main directions. Extreme conservatism, non-interference to patrimonial process at simultaneous performing medicamentous therapy are characteristic of the first direction. Supporters of this direction applied drugs, sudorific and diuretics, and also bloodletting.
Other direction — active therapy, aspiration to immediate delivery by use of this or that obstetric operation. Statistical data specify that both the mentioned extreme directions of therapy of an eclampsia were not repaid. Failures of the specified directions formed the basis for definition of new tactics which essence consists in a combination of conservative treatment to the methods accelerating delivery.

Eclampsia pathogeny