
Producer: JSC Krasnaya zvezda Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: L03A ò
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Tincture.
General characteristics. Structure:
Acting substance: 100 ml of tincture (1:10) of mix of medicinal vegetable raw materials: a marigold of flowers of 1,5 g, a mistletoe white escapes and leaves of 1,5 g, a Sophora Japanese fruits of 1 g, a thistle spotty fruits of 1,5 g, the peony evading rhizomes and roots of 1,5 g, oats sowing herbs of 1,5 g, a celandine of a grass of 1,5 g; excipient: ethanol (40%).
Pharmacological properties:
The multilateral therapeutic effect of drug is caused by a complex of biologically active agents of plants which are its part. Possesses immunomodulatory, anti-toxic, stressoprotektorny (the organism stress reaction normalizes somatic, immunological, biochemical and morphological indicators), tonic and antioxidant actions. Drug reduces by-effects and promotes preservation of a normal marrowy hemopoiesis when performing cytostatic and radiation therapy, promotes increase in nonspecific body resistance.
Indications to use:
Immunodeficiency against the background of bacterial, viral, fungal infections of various localization. Prevention and treatment of dysplastic processes: benign diseases (mastopathy, polycystic processes of various localization); precancerous states (dysplastic processes of a mucous membrane of a neck of uterus, polypose of various localization); maintenance drug when carrying out beam and chemotherapy. Prevention and treatment of immunodependent diseases: long and recurrent diseases (urogenital clamidiosis, Cytomegaloviral infection); chronic diseases (including, inflammatory diseases of a female genital, chronic hepatitises B and C).
Route of administration and doses:
Drug is accepted inside divorced on 15 ml (1 tablespoon) 3 times a day in 30 min. prior to food.
Features of use:
Drug is used only divorced. At administration of drug inside, it is necessary to abstain from control of vehicles and work with potential and dangerous mechanisms.
In storage time loss of a deposit is possible that does not exert impact on efficiency of drug. Before use to shake up.
At prolonged use in the doses considerably exceeding recommended intoxication is possible: nausea, vomiting, a loss of consciousness, delay of pulse, an apnoea in view of existence in drug of alkaloids.
Side effects:
At hypersensitivity to drug components, allergic reactions are possible.
Drug is contraindicated at hypersensitivity to any of drug components, children aged up to 12 years, to women during the periods of pregnancy and a lactation.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Bottle of 100 ml