
Producer: Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: N05CM50
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
1 tablet supports Sedavit of dense extract in terms of 100% substance – 0,17 g (170 mg) (Sedavit receive dense extract from rhizomes with roots of a valerian, fruits of a hawthorn, a grass of a St. John's Wort, leaves of a peppermint, hop cones); a pyridoxine of a hydrochloride (B6 vitamin) in terms of 100% substance – 0,003 g (3 mg), niacinamide (RR vitamin) in terms of 100% substance – 0,015 g (15 mg); excipients: potato starch, sodium of a kroskarmelloz, lactose monohydrate, cellulose microcrystallic, calcium stearate.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Complex extract for Sedavit is received from rhizomes with roots of a valerian, fruits of a hawthorn, a grass of a St. John's Wort, leaves of a peppermint, hop cones. Pharmacological effect of drug is caused by properties of the components which are its part. Biologically active agents of extracts of medicinal plants positively influence functioning nervous and cordial
vascular systems also possess preferential sedative, anxiolytic action, eliminate sensation of fear, mental tension. Vitamins are components of fermental systems which participate in oxidation-reduction processes in an organism. A pyridoxine the hydrochloride (B6 vitamin) – normalizes functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system; niacinamide (RR vitamin) – participates in processes of tissue respiration, fatty and carbohydrate exchanges.
Pharmacokinetics. Pharmacological efficiency of drug depends on cumulative action of its components therefore carrying out kinetic researches is not possible as everything together components cannot be tracked by means of markers or biological researches.
Indications to use:
Syndrome of "manager" (condition of constant mental tension); the neurasthenia and neurotic reactions which are followed by irritability, alarm, fear, fatigue, absent-mindedness, memory disturbance, mental exhaustion; neurocirculatory dystonia on hypertensive and cardial type; asthenic syndrome (form hypersthenic); arterial hypertension of the I stage; sleeplessness (easy forms); pruritic dermatosis (eczema, urticaria); the headaches caused by nervous tension; migraine; as symptomatic means at a menopausal syndrome and easy forms of a dysmenorrhea; and also at associated diseases - a thyroid gland (a bazedov a disease) and a diabetes mellitus.
Route of administration and doses:
To adults and children aged from 12 years drug is appointed on 2 tablets by 3 times a day. Drug is accepted without chewing, washing down with a small amount of liquid. In case of nausea drug should be accepted during food. If necessary the single dose is raised to 3 tablets. In case of undesirable block appoint on 1 tablet 3 times a day. An interval between receptions – 8 h. Drug can be used disposable on 2–3 tablets in 30–60 min. prior to estimated emotional loading.
Features of use:
It is necessary to be careful at purpose of drug to patients with a serious organic illness of a digestive tract, during pregnancy, especially during 1 trimester and during feeding by a breast. The patients accepting Sedavit should refrain from potentially dangerous types of activity requiring special attention and bystry motor and mental reaction (control of vehicles, work with difficult mechanisms). Harmlessness and efficiency of drug of Sedavit for children in a vozdasta up to 12 years is not established.
Side effects:
In rare instances the following undesirable effects can be shown: dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness, itch, dieback, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, lock, easy muscular slackness.
Interaction with other medicines:
Drug strengthens effect of the substances exerting sedative impact on the central nervous system and also alcohol. The mutual inactivation of a levodopa and a pyridoxine of a hydrochloride is possible.
Myasthenia, hypersensitivity to drug components.
Symptoms: are shown by feeling of depression and drowsiness. Later these symptoms can be followed by nausea, easy muscular weakness, joint pains and heavy feeling in a stomach. Also niacinamide overdose symptoms (tachycardia, a tremor, nausea, vomiting, perspiration, cough, skin rash, arterial hypotension) can be shown.
Treatment: symptomatic therapy.
Storage conditions:
To store in the dry, protected from light place at a temperature from 15 ºС to 25ºС. A period of validity – 2 years. To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Tablets No. 10 in the blister, 2 blisters in a pack.