Flebotenz Plus

Producer: LLC Pharmtekhnologiya Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: C05CA53
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 450 mg of diosmin, 50 mg of hesperidin.
Excipients: povidone, sodium stearate, cellulose microcrystallic krakhmalglikolit (type A), talc, magnesium.
Structure of a cover: gipromelloza, titanium dioxide (E171), macrogoal 6000, magnesium stearate, glycerin, ferrous oxide yellow (E172), ferrous oxide red (E172), sodium lauryl sulfate.
The drug having venotoniziruyushchy and angioprotektorny properties reduces distensibility of veins and venous stagnation, reduces permeability of capillaries and increases their resistance.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Drug raises a venous tone: the occlusal pletizmografiya shows reduction of time of exile of blood from veins. At patients with signs of fragility of capillaries treatment statistically authentically increases capillary resistance that is confirmed angiostereometrichesk.
Therapeutic activity of drug in a phlebology at treatment of chronic functional and organic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities is proved and in a proctology at treatment of hemorrhoids.
Pharmacokinetics. Absorption. In digestive tract diosmin is quickly processed by pristenochny (intenstinalny) microflora and absorbed in blood in the form of an aglikon – a diosmetin, soluble in lipids. Not processed forms of diosmin are not absorbed.
Distribution. Diosmetin is very quickly redistributed by blood on fabrics. Animal experiments with use of diosmin with a radioactive label showed wide distribution of its metabolites on all organism.
The maximum concentration of a diosmetin in blood is observed in 1 – 3 hour after oral administration of diosmin.
Metabolism. Drug is extensively metabolized that is confirmed by existence in urine of various phenolic acids.
Removal. Release of drug happens generally to a stake; allocation with urine averages 14% of the accepted dose. The elimination half-life makes 11 hours.
Indications to use:
- treatment (as a part of complex therapy) symptoms of venous and lymphatic insufficiency (weight, puffiness and an onychalgia, trophic disturbances);
- treatment (as a part of complex therapy) the symptoms connected with a bad attack of hemorrhoids.
Route of administration and doses:
For intake.
At venous insufficiency the recommended dose makes 2 tablets, coated, in day – 1 tablet in the middle of the day and 1 tablet in the evening during meal.
At bad attacks of hemorrhoids: daily within 4 days to accept 6 tablets, coated (3 tablets in the morning and 3 tablets in the evening), then within 3 days – on 4 tablets, coated (2 tablets in the morning and 2 tablets in the evening).
Features of use:
At disturbances of venous blood circulation the maximum effect of treatment is observed at the healthy, balanced way of life, at the same time it is necessary to avoid long stay in the sun, long standing standing, increases in body weight, to make foot walks. Patients should observe strictly the additional medical measures appointed by the doctor, such as wearing compression medical jersey (golfs, stockings), compresses, a cool shower on area of the lower extremities etc.
At bad attacks of hemorrhoids reception of this drug does not replace special treatment of other diseases of anorectal area. Treatment has to be appointed a short course. If symptoms do not pass quickly, it is necessary to conduct proctologic examination and to reconsider the carried-out therapy.
Use at pregnancy and feeding by a breast. At use of drug for pregnant women messages on the undesirable phenomena did not arrive and the teratogenic effect was not revealed. It is unknown whether diosmin with breast milk therefore it is not recommended to appoint drug during feeding a breast is emitted.
Use for children. Not to apply at children.
Influence on ability of control of vehicles and other difficult mechanisms. Does not influence.
Side effects:
Messages on the following side effects or the phenomena were received (are presented on rate): very often (> 1/10); often (> 1/100, <1/10); infrequently (> 1/1000, <1/100); seldom (> 1/10 000, <1/1000); very seldom (<1/10 000), not specified frequency (it is impossible to carry out assessment on the basis of the available data).
From a nervous system. Seldom: dizziness, headache, febricula.
From the alimentary system. Often: diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting;
infrequently: colitis.
Disturbances from integuments and hypodermic fabric. Seldom: rash, itch, urticaria; not specified frequency: the isolated face edema, lips, a century; in exceptional cases: Quincke's disease.
Interaction with other medicines:
Special researches of interaction with medicines were not conducted. At the same time it must be kept in mind that despite wide use of drugs of the micronized and cleared flavonoidny fraction (MOFF) in world clinical practice, in literature there are no messages on adverse or other medicinal interactions of MOFF with other medicines.
Hypersensitivity to drug components.
Symptoms of overdose are not described.
Storage conditions:
To store at a temperature not above 25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity 2 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 15 or 20 tablets, coated, in bank, placed together with a leaf insert in a pack from a cardboard.